Herb Broiled Chicken Breast Halves

"I found this in one of the supermarket cookbooks that can be found by the cash register. It' really good, but the real reason for getting it posted is that it is needed for Recipe #203456, which I have also posted."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • Combine all ingredients, except chicken. Mix well.
  • Spray broiler pan, place chicken on pan and brush with half of the butter mixture.
  • Broil 4 - 6" from heat for 5 - 6 minutes, turn chicken and brush with remaining butter mixture.
  • Broil a further 5 - 6 minutes, or until chicken is fork tender, and juices run clear.

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  1. A lovely, quick and easy way to do chicken. The reason that it's 4 stars is because the dry Italian Mix herbs became a bit crunchy under the broiler. The next time I do this I'll make up the marinade a couple of hrs in advance so they'll have time to soften. That should make all the difference. I made one chicken breast and it was very good.


I originally joined the site as "aussiekarin", but decided instead to go with my nickname - Kayne. Sorry if this causes any confusion! I moved to the US from Australia in 1970, and apart from three years in Germanyhave been here the whole time. However, still consider myself an Australian, although I was actually born in Holland. Since I come from such a diversified background, my cooking is rather strange at times. Many times it is a combiniation of Dutch, Aussie / English, German and American. I'm not really much of a cook, but enjoy it, nevertheless. I just wish I knew more and could do more - without a recipe! I'm retired now, so one of my goals is to really learn to cook. I intend to enjoy my retirement, doing what I never had time to do before. Since joining Recipezaar in November, 2006, I find that my cooking has changed somewhat. I'm more adventurous, willing to try new and more varied tastes, and combinations, and just about all of what I prepare is edible. Lately, due to a major life change, I've been letting my cooking go, but hopefully that will change one day. Oddly, I miss it, more than I ever thought I would!!!!!
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