Extreme Lemon Bundt Cake

"Lemon lovers only! This is one moist and very lemony pound cake that stays moist in a cake keeper for a week! Needs no icing whatsoever!"
photo by Ashley Cuoco photo by Ashley Cuoco
photo by Ashley Cuoco
photo by Nathan B. photo by Nathan B.
photo by Ashley Cuoco photo by Ashley Cuoco
photo by Ashley Cuoco photo by Ashley Cuoco
photo by ladybug810 photo by ladybug810
Ready In:
16 slices




  • Preheat oven as directed.
  • Mix all ingredients and bake as directed.
  • I use a Bundt pan or you may also use 2 large loaf pans.
  • These cakes can be frozen for 30 days and still taste like you just baked them!

Questions & Replies

  1. I have used a similar recipe (for orange, chocolate cake) and it works beautifully. This one sank like a stone, making more of a delicious custard than cake. Then I read about the light weight on the mixes and checked, and found mine at 15.25 oz! The recipe is so delicious, I will try again, and start with the six-tablespoons-of-flour fix. I also found a recommendation to add 1.75 to 3 ounces of cake mix to the recipe - I think I'll start with the 3 ounce fix for the 15.25 oz mix. Ah, change - ain't it grand?
  2. What is so great about the Betty Crocker cake mix?
  3. Could I use orange instead of lemon to make an orange cake? If so, what do you suggest for the amount of oranges?
  4. pre heat oven to what and how long to cook this cake
  5. How do you make the icing


  1. I made this cake twice following the directions, and it came out perfect. So Delicious.
    • Review photo by Nathan B.
  2. This was great. Took it to a potluck and everyone loved it. No leftovers that's for sure. I just dusted it with conf. sugar, but I think I'd like to try a lemon glaze next time. One problem: I thought the directions were a bit vague. I bake alot and knew that the oven temp. and baking time were average, but someone who is new to it might get confused. It's 350*, and 35-40 minutes.
  3. This was excellent and did NOT taste like it started out its life as a "box cake"! I used a Duncan Hines Lemon cake mix and followed the recipe exactly (using light sour cream instead of regular full-fat). However, in my oven, using a bundt pan, it took about 50 minutes at 350F to totally cook through. I also made a glaze of butter, lemon, a sprinkle of ginger, and confectioner's sugar (aka caster sugar) which I drizzled over the top while the cake was warm (I poked some holes in the top and sides of the cake with a bamboo skewer so the glaze would seep in). The cake was beautiful and tasted great, especially with a small scoop of Gifford's Wild Maine Blueberry ice cream on the side. Next time, I am considering adding some minced, dried lavender flowers to the batter or possibly to just the glaze (instead of ginger) for a slightly different flavor. A small slice is very satisfying, and I think that we probably got 20 or more slices from this cake. Thank you for posting this easy, tasty recipe.
  4. good cake! beat all ingredients together for about 2 minutes and bake at 350 degrees for about 45-55 minutes. used a glaze of 1/2 mixed lemon juice and orange juice and 2 cups powdered sugar. poured over hot cake slowly (while still in pan) and then let cool completely. very good results! thanks for the recipe.
  5. Made this cake twice now but added one thing-lemon curd or lemon pie filling! I poured 2/3 of the batter recipe into the bundt cake pan, then dollops of the lemon curd with a spoon- staying as close to the middle of the batter as possible. Could probably put it in a ziplock type bag with a hole in the corner or pastry bag with a very large tip and squeeze the filling into the center of the batter, but that might be too much of a fuss. Then added the rest of the batter on top of the curd/pie filling layer to cover. Bake as usual. I have seen recipes that say to put the filling right on top of the cake batter, that it will sink into the cake as it bakes. Not sure about that but might be worth a try next time. Really a good addition!


  1. I used a little cream in my glaze, and I used one large lemon fr juice and zest. Baked at 350 degrees.
  2. I replaced the extract with Lemoncino Liquour and also added it to whipped cream for the topping. It was fantastic!
  3. I would like to bake the Extreme Lemon Bundt cake one thing I do not know how much lemon juice do I use and how much zest lemon to use. How do I make zest lemon or can I buy it from the store. Do I follow the direction on the cake box which include the water. Please help. Thank you Doreathea Williams
  4. I baked this cake without the lemon extract, but added a teaspoon of vanilla extract. I also used fat free plain yogurt in place of the sour cream. It came out pretty good! Bake time was 40-45 minutes at 350. I used a glaze of powdered sugar, lemon juice, milk and a dash of salt. It's very moist and tender, but has a slightly artificial taste due to the packaged ingredients. Can't beat the convenience, though, it went together easily.


Say Hi to my Toy Poodle Peek-A-Boo! She was born on Mothers day, 2007 About Me ~ I was born in Arlington Virginia. My Mother and Father both worked for the F.B.I. After I was born we moved back to Tennessee, Where my parents were born. I have remained here because of the beautiful Mountains! We bought a Home overlooking the mountains of Cumberland Gap Tn. I love to cook!!! Before I became disabled, I worked as a Caterer and as a Supervizing Manager in a Deli/Market for 15 years. It was my life. I miss it very much. I have learned alot about cooking and baking from my Grandmother's and my Aunt's.We do a lot of canning, things like Jellies and Apple butter, Chow Chow,Mixed pickles, Strawberry jam, Gr. Beans and Pickled Beats. And my favorite is the homemade Strawberry Jam. We have even had several Mollasses Stir Offs in the Fall at my Church & we make Apple Butter and Cider. I was raised in the Southeast and we love to COOK. It must be something in the water? LOL & If it involves cooking count me in!!! I Love the Food Network and all the cooking shows. I Have found alot of great recipes and made alot of friends from this Web site. Participation Awards: <img a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c302/Donna4566/kitchenexpeditionslogo2-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"/asrc="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/purplechefhat.gif" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"> <img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/chef3.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"> <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c302/Donna4566/MAINBANNER.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
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