Easy Refrigerator Pickles

photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
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  • In a glass or crockery bowl alternately layer the sliced cucumbers and onions.
  • In a medium saucepan combine sugar,vinegar, salt, mustard seed, celery seed, and ground turmeric; bring to boiling, stirring just till sugar is dissolved.
  • Pour vinegar mixture atop cucumber-onion mixture; cool slightly.
  • Cover tightly.
  • REFRIGERATE PICKLES AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE SERVING (recipe says will keep up to one month, but I find they keep a lot longer than that in the individual jars).

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  1. When I first tasted these after 24 hours, I thought they were too sweet. After another 24 hours, they were better. Next time I think I will cut back on the sugar a bit, but over all, very good.
  2. I've been making these pickles, exactly as posted, for years. Perfect for cookouts and reunions. Very easy...no canning involved. Thanks for posting! Al
  3. Did a two day pickling session this week, with plenty of cucumbers it was a good time to add new recipes to my tried and true. I find using equal portions of sugar/vinegar as yours does, makes for a good sweet pickle and these are good! We sampled these last night and enjoyed. Love that combination of spices. I did make up extra brine to cover the slices..Made up three of the gallon glass jars, using different recipes, I'll have to draw straws when it comes to sharing ... they are all so good. I have added this recipe to my 'canning cookbook' Thank you for posting this recipe, it is definitely a five!
  4. This is a good'n and I *like* a good pickle.


I am now a full time homemaker, having retired from a career in Market Resarch for over 20 years-a profession I entered after raising 4 children. Why this field after a degree in Music Education? Who knows? It just appealed to me and the hours were right at first when my children were still at home. I eventually went full-time, but last year decided to retire and join my husband who is a retired engineer. We have had a computer for over six years now and I love getting new recipes off the internet. I print them out and have a three ring binder full of them. Some of them prove to be duds, but most are keepers.
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