Couscous With Seven Vegetables

"This recipe is another Lucy Waverman recipe from Food and Drink Magazine. She says "It's good luck to have 7 vegetables in a CousCous Dish". Hmmm....maybe coriander is the 7th veggie? So I guess this will be a lucky recipe, enjoy! ;) Use vegetable stock to make this a vegetarian dish."
photo by Karen Elizabeth photo by Karen Elizabeth
photo by Karen Elizabeth
photo by Muffin Goddess photo by Muffin Goddess
photo by Kim127 photo by Kim127
photo by NorthwestGal photo by NorthwestGal
photo by WiGal photo by WiGal
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  • Heat chicken stock in a pot over medium heat. Add cumin, paprika, black pepper, cinnamon and turmeric and simmer together for 2 minutes.
  • Add onion, carrots, turnips, red pepper, peas and zucchini and simmer 5 to 7 minutes or until vegetables are softened. Turn heat to high and bring to boil. Stir in couscous. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes. Uncover and fluff with a fork. Season with salt and sprinkle with coriander.

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  1. Loved this, although I knew I would after reading the ingredient list! I have to admit, I messed this up a bit, but I still thought it came out great, so this is what I did: I used one whole small zucchini, and about half a cup of the carrot. I couldn't find any frozen diced turnip, and I didn't want to deal with cutting up a whole fresh turnip myself, so I added some frozen cut butternut squash instead. The rest of the veggies were measured as written. Because of the added veggies, it seemed as though I wouldn't have enough broth to properly soften the couscous, so I added a half-cup extra broth. I only had Israeli toasted couscous (larger grains) in the house, and it was still pretty chewy after 5 minutes of standing, so I put it back on the heat for about another 5 minutes. By this time, most of the squash chunks had dissolved into the couscous and became almost sauce-like. I didn't end up with dry fluffy couscous, but it was still delicious and the spicing was perfect. I served it with Recipe#428754. At some point, I would like to try it again (not messed up, of course, lol), and I"ll certainly give this a proper review when I do. At the moment, though, I just wanted to let you know that your recipe is delicious even when messed up, lol! Sorry, and thanks for posting :)! Made for The Queens of Quisine for ZWT6 NA*ME
  2. Excellent recipe, so very easily and quickly made. I stopped for turnips on the way home and that was the hardest part :) A bit of chopping, and Bobs your uncle. I did pre-cook the carrots, onions and turnips, slightly, since DH doesnt enjoy crunchy vegetables, and I used a vegetarian garlic/herb broth. It doesnt get easier than this :) Thank you Leslie, this was made for ZWT 8, Pick-A-Pepper challenge
  3. This was much better the second day, more of the flavors came through. I would almost used one cup of cous cous to have the veggies more prominent. I used vegetable stock in my version. Prep for me took about 15 minutes as I have a touch of OCD and needed to have the veggies diced to approximately the same size, lol. Thanks!!! Made for a Seasoned Sailor and his Sassy Sirens - ZWT6.
  4. The combination of spices in this dish really flavored the couscous beautifully. The zucchini and red pepper in particular really melded together well with the spice mix. I opted for the chicken stock, but I can imagine the vegetable stock would be just as wonderful in this recipe. Thanks for sharing your recipe, ~Leslie~. Made for Zaar World Tour #6.
  5. Beautiful plus delicious! Never tasted turnip before so was surprised at how mild tasting it is. Love the versatility of couscous! Served with recipe#409197. Made by an Unruly for our wonderful tour guide Leslie while traveling through NA*ME .


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