Country Potato Pie

"I use Washington potatoes but any good russet works well. This has been a great side dish that everyone loves and it is perfect for a potluck. I've always made this in my Cuisinart, no need to wash between steps. The prep time is for using a food processor, but you can do it the old fashioned way too!"
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme
photo by LucyS-D photo by LucyS-D
photo by Baby Kato photo by Baby Kato
photo by Dienia B. photo by Dienia B.
photo by pammyowl photo by pammyowl
Ready In:




  • Pre-heat oven 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Spray or grease a 9 inch deep dish pie dish or similar sized baking dish.
  • Pat shredded potatoes into the baking dish with the edge a little higher than the rest.
  • Layer the chopped onions (see Note) on top of the potatoes or mix them together if you prefer.
  • Sprinkle the cheese over the top of the potatoes and onions.
  • In food processor bowl, using the knife blade, add the salt, pepper, eggs, milk, dry mustard, garlic powder, and paprika.
  • Pulse a couple of times.
  • Carefully pour mixture over the potato mixture.
  • Note: I originally would sauté the onions in a little oil, but now skip that step; you might prefer them that way.
  • Bake 45 minutes.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This was such a quick and easy recipe! I used frozen hash browns which really saved time. Loved the combination of ingredients. Although I think I perhaps I had a little too much onion or, I should have mixed them up with the potatoes. Will definitely make again.
  2. Couldn't wait to review this recipe, such a good side dish, full of flavor, enjoyed the onions and potato combo and the cheese and spices just set it off even better. The hardest part of this recipe is just shredding the potato, but the end result great, I cut the recipe in half as there's only two of us and we still had plenty even after we both went back for seconds.
  3. Tasty potato recipe!! I made this, although scaled back to 1/2 of the amounts. I used the refrigerated already shredded potatoes, so much easier to make then shredding my own taters. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Made for Susie's World Tour 2018.
    • Review photo by diner524
  4. This was super simple to make, and it came out perfect after 45 minutes of baking, as the recipe specifies. I chose to saute the onions just until tender layering the onions over the potatoes. And I used Yukon variety of potatoes (only because most in my family don't care for russets, so Yukon is usually the only variety of potato that I keep stocked). And they worked quite excellent in this recipe. They bake up tender but remain moist and flavorful. Thanks, mompahet. Made for Susie's World Tour 2018 (Australia).
    • Review photo by NorthwestGal
  5. I made a smaller amount of this for 2 servings. As already stated, grating the potatoes was the hardest part of this recipe. Thanks for sharing, Linda.



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