Broccoli and Cauliflower Salad

"My ex sister in law made a similar broccoli and cauliflower salad. I had never cared for broccoli and cauliflower until I tried her salad. Now I find that I love experimenting and making new recipes."
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  • Cut up the the broccoli and cauliflower into flowerettes.
  • Place into large mixing bowl: broccoli, cauliflower, shredded cheese and bacon bits Mix in seperate bowl: Miracle Whip, sugar and vinegar.
  • Pour the mixture over the broccoli and cauliflower, cheese and bacon bits and mix.
  • Refrigerate.
  • Optional: You can add 2 cups of cooked pasta shells to this.

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I am living in Stafford England have been for just over 5 years. I enjoy being a housewife and I am now able to concentrate on my love of cooking for my family. I enjoy trying new recipes and making up a few as I cook. I am a part time pharmacy assistant for our local chemist. I met my husband on the internet, and find that I couldn't have found a more perfect partner than him. He is an exceptional man as he loves to cook with me. He is a very patient and loving man and understands me far better than anyone I know. He has two sons, Ben and Barrie, that are wonderful young men, who have accepted me in their lives as a stepmom. And now they have made me a grandma. I have a lovely grandson Jacob who is just 1 year. Now we were informed we are to become grandparents again in May and June. I love the idea of being a grandma. I love to collect cookbooks, Boyds Bears, take family pictures, Reading is a very big passion. I enjoy reading Nora Roberts and J D Robb, who are one in the same. I spend a lot of time playing World of WarCraft. I do miss my family that I left in the states, such as a sister and 3 brothers. Both of my parents are dead. My pet peeves.......I don't like it when friends don't keep in touch, I dislike phoniness, insincerity, and backstabbing. It is sad that there are so many people out there that are like that and don't realize it or just don't care..
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