Akkara Balls

"Often seen in Nigerian roadside stalls. For time I often used canned beans just be sure to drain them well. When you buy these from vendors you often have a choice of sauces some homemade, some shop bought all are spicy to complement the mild taste of the balls. You can add spice if you wish to the mix but I prefer plain balls so that I can use an assortment of sauces without taste clashes."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
12 balls




  • Soak the blackeyed beans overnight (if using dried).
  • Next day, if any water is left in the soaked beans, drain it.
  • Now, in a blender, grind the beans with salt to taste and black pepper until beans become like a paste.
  • Grind until there it is a thick paste but still bit coarse.
  • Add little water if needed to make paste.
  • Now heat oil in frying pan.
  • When oil is hot, scoop one spoonful of paste into oil, repeat until there is no space for more scoops.
  • Turn occasionally and remove from oil when brownish in color.
  • Ready to serve with chutney or tomato ketchup.

Questions & Replies

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  1. The recipe does not indicate how they are to end up as balls...
  2. In the Changing Course e-class, one of the guests makes a living in New England selling bean cakes from his native Africa. They are made of black eyed peas. He said there are five ingredients, but he did not say what they were. Do you know any other ways to make bean cakes? This recipe sounds very good. Will make it this week ! ! ! ! !
  3. Pretty flavourless. Needs some spices.


Under construction... How I rate... 5 stars - perfect, will make again without any changes. 4 stars - Liked it, will make again again but with changes. 3 stars - had to make major changes but got it to work. 2 stars - had to make major changes and it didn't work. 1 star - went terribly, a waste of time and ingredients, I cried, BF cried the cats cried you get the picture...
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