Ajeen Beckford Lahma Bi Ajeen

"a beautiful meat pie with Jamaican Jerk Spice. I lift my hat to chef Ajeen Beckford for yet another beautiful and tantalizing dish. i am a big fan. i really think u are the best chef in Jamaica and i await your book."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
80 pies




  • Mix all dough ingredients well. Knead for a few moments. Set aside to rest while preparing filling. Mix all the filling ingredients. Preheat the oven to 400°F
  • Since you will be preparing a large number of these, it makes sense to work on a large, clean surface. The kitchen table is perfect. Roll half the dough to 1/8 inch thickness on a clean table. Use a glass, 2-2.5 inches in diameter to cut circles of dough. Place these circles on a well oiled baking sheet. Work the remaining dough into a ball, and roll it out to cut more circles. Keep combining the circle cutouts until you have used all the dough. Place 1.5 teaspoons filling on each circle. With a fork, carefully smooth filling to the edge of the circle. It's fine for the lahma bi ajeen to touch each other in the pan, but they cannot overlap.
  • Bake for about 20 minutes, or until dough is just firm but not crisp.
  • Serve with tehina and soup or salad for a first course.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I'm sure it's great but would be nice to know the "filling"


i started cooking at the age of 15 in a small hotel located in Kingston Jamaica. My passion for cooking evolve tremendously and push me deeper to search for my place in the field. i have work on cruise ships and few international restaurants throughout the Caribbean, i then move on to college and major in culinary management. i was neglected by my mom at 6 mths. old and had a uphill journey to go ever since, it never deter me in my pursuit. i have manage to cook for some of the worlds well renown celebrates and have done well. To name a few, Will Smith when he came to Jamaica, Lennox Lewis personal chef, Bobby ourisman, many local celebrates in addition to visiting king, queen and prince to the island. so i would say i have had my fare share of exceeding expectations and i have done well. i have manage to bestowed with a number of awards to name a few. Runner Chef of the Caribbean 2007, distinguished Jamaican Chef 2008. Gold medalist in local culinary competitions and the list goes on.
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