Vanilla Pudding from Scratch

"A typical everyday dessert in Germany. I never knew until I was an adult, that pudding was easy to make from scratch. I like to serve it with fresh seasonal fruit. This is a basic recipe, feel free to experiment with different flavors. - Preparation time is short, but you have to stir the pudding occasionally while cooling, so make it while you are occupied in the kitchen."
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Ready In:


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 12 - 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (or to taste)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (seeds from 1 vanilla bean)
  • 12 cup whipping cream, well chilled


  • Note: I measure the cornstarch out of its box without sifting, leveling the spoons on the side of the box. Lower amount of starch will make a creamy soft pudding, larger amount a firmer pudding.
  • In a small pot whisk together egg yolk, 3 tbs of the milk, sugar and cornstarch (and vanilla seeds if using) until smooth. Best use a wire whisk to do so. Add rest of the milk, stir until smooth.
  • Put egg milk over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil once, remove from heat and let cool. Stir frequently while the pudding is cooling to avoid a skin forming.
  • Whip cream until stiff.
  • When the pudding is cold fold the whipped cream in with a rubber spatula. Fill in individual serving bowls, layer with fruit salad if you like or serve with a sauce. Will keep in the fridge for 12 hours or more.
  • Note: Cooking time is cooling time.

Questions & Replies

  1. Made this today -- used 2.5 T cornstarch & followed directions exactly. Yet, after cooling, there were little balls of cornstarch throughout... almost like tapioca. Thoughts?


  1. L~O~V~E~D this recipe!!!!! used powdered sugar (all I had in the house) and a whole cup of whipping cream. The vanilla bean is a must. I will never eat pudding from a box again! A~W~E~S~O~M~E!!!
  2. This dessert is delicious and easy to make. I needed vanilla pudding to make a dish that I saw on television. It was vanilla pudding, vanilla wafers and bananas layered in two tiers. It is delicious. This pudding was the perfect addition to the dessert. Enjoy it! It will become my favorite vanilla pudding.
  3. This is quickly becoming a standard dessert in my home. I love the simple, balanced taste and texture.
  4. My friend is from Germany and she makes this all the time. It is good with fresh fruit. This is much lighter than Americian type pudding. It is delicious and worth a try. Thanks
  5. I am an establised cook, so I think I s/tell people this is not a standard pudding recipe, you need the whip cream to lighten it up,and then I would call it a mousse, it comes together very fast when it does start, so keep stiring, it is very creamy also, but becareful or you will have alot of lumps and skin, I didn't but I could see how it could happen, but please don't make this recipe if you are looking for the tradiional type out of the Betty Crocker cookbook.


Hi, I am German and I live with my husband Thorsten (Chef Thorsten)in the former German capital Bonn, a rather small town near Cologne at the river Rhine. I work in a teashop (a TeaGschwendner franchise shop, see my web site link) situated in a quaint little old house in the center of Bonn and like it a lot. I enjoy to make myself comfortable with a cup of tea and a book (an old cookbook is good).
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