Skunk Deodorizer

"I have not personally had to try this YET, but understand this works better than tomato juice for neutralizing the skunk solution. Use this first, as it won't work if you have already bathed the dog with something else."
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1 deodorized dog


  • 1 (16 ounce) bottle hydrogen peroxide
  • 14 cup baking soda (up to)
  • 1 dash shampoo or 1 dash liquid dish soap (Dawn)


  • Mix and apply!

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  1. I have a giant breed dog that took skunk spray at ground zero in the face and chest. This recipe WORKS!! Use it like a shampoo-- apply to wet dog, lather well and let sit 5 minutes and then make sure to rinse thoroughly. There was no skunk odour left when we were done.
  2. We had to use this recipe once again last night for our mini poodle. It works great. I keep a de-skunking "kit" handy so can respond quickly, since this happens 2-3 times/yr. Next time I'm going to try Baby Shampoo as the "soap" since Duchess always gets it right in the eyes and nose. Once the dog is dry, I spritz her coat with a moisturizing detangler spray & brush thoroughly, so I have not had any problem with her skin suffering from the treatment.
  3. I have personally used this recipe - double it for dogs up to 40 pounds and triple it for over 55 pounds. If your dog is a retriever or retriever mix you may need more. Sponge it in, get it to the skin and let it sit for a few minutes. What a life saver! I am now keeping the ingredients in my dog box for emergencies!
  4. The peroxide is not good for the dogs skin. I know someone who used this, and the dogs skin actually dried out really bad, and they ended up at the vet for it. It took along time for the coat to come back as well. It also does not take the smell out. Your best bet is to call the vet for instructions.
  5. Wow - this works great. My little Toy Poodle and my Bichon decided to play with a striped black kitty. Needless to say they didn't smell very good, but after a bath in this, they smell pretty good. Forgot to add, I heated this in the microwave so my furbabies didn't have to have a "cold" bath.


The new kitchen is finally functional, and I'm cruising Recipezaar daily to see what I make! This site is one of the best for finding great recipes in a flash. I've been saving recipes to My Cookbook for quite a while and am looking forward to trying some new things while I get used to my appliances. I hope to be posting new reviews soon.
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