Roast Beef Panini With the Works!

"I made these for my hubby and I the other day, and they were so good, he asked if I was going to add it to zaar, LOL! (I think he was hinting so I wouldn't forget how I made it! Too funny!) Anyways, we inhaled them! Hope you like them, too! I've simplified the recipe to make just one, but you can adjust it to how ever many you need to make, of course. Have a wonderful lunch! :)"
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Ready In:
1 sandwich




  • *I use my cast iron grill pan for this, so if using that, turn your gas stove on to medium-low heat and get the pan heating. (Make sure it is lightly oiled first.) You can also do this in a Foreman Grill if you happen to have one, or even a pan works just fine. ;).
  • Spread 2 slices hearty bread (even regular bread works ok, too) with 2 Tbl. sun-dried tomato pesto. (1 Tbl. on each slice.) I just use my measuring spoon and then spread it on with the back of it.
  • Place a slice of havarti cheese on each slice.
  • On one slice, scrunch up each slice of roast beef and pile on. It's so much better that way than just laying them on flat.
  • On top of the roast beef, sprinkle on the chopped artichoke heart. (*My hubby hates them, so I only put them on mine when I made this for us. So this is optional.).
  • Break your piece of bacon in half, and lay the slices on top of the artichoke hearts.
  • Now just take the other slice of bread that you made with the pesto and cheese and flip it over on top. (Cheese-side down, of course! :) ).
  • Brush top all over, but lightly, with a little olive oil.
  • Place, olive oil side-down onto hot grill or pan.
  • Brush top-side with more olive oil the same way.
  • Toast at least 1 minute, but check. You want it lightly toasted with nice grill marks.
  • Carefully lift up a corner with your spatula, then get under it and turn it over.
  • Toast other side.
  • Remove the same way onto a cutting board and cut in half with a sharp knife on the bias or corner-to-corner.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

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Hello! Former caterer and restaurant owner taking life slower now and just enjoying photographing my food creations and blogging them! Pop on over to my blog to see over 800 of my recipes at Wildflour's Cottage Kitchen @ !
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