Pear-And-Spinach Salad With Goat Cheese Vinaigrette

"From a magazine. I cut it out long ago but haven't made it yet."
photo by *Parsley* photo by *Parsley*
photo by *Parsley*
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  • Place spinach in a salad bowl.
  • Toss pear slices with lemon juice and add to bowl.
  • Place remaining ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth.
  • Toss vinaigrette with salad.

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  1. Delicious salad! I especially loved the dressing. I added the poppy seeds after blending the dressing. I used 2 different types of pears (1 bosc and 1 green pear). I served over the spinach as well as some other greens. Definitely a keeper. Thanx!
  2. This just didn't work for me. My dressing was so thick that it wouldn't blend in the blender, so I added a little milk and tasted it and it was too bland. . .so I added some tarragon and a little vinegar. . .and then it didn't taste like goat cheese so I added more cheese. I never got the flavors right for us. I also added red grapes which complemented the pears. I am glad I tried it!


<p>I've collected recipes since I was a teen. After all these years I'm trying to get all my index cards and clippings, that still sound interesting to me, posted here so that I can find them and eventually make them! <br /> <br />I've posted some of my Mom's recipes. I regret not having paid more attention to my Grandmothers' cooking. They made some dishes that I miss and there were/are no recipes for them. <br /> <br />I have a wonderful DH and 2 wonderful sons. They are thrilled that I found this site since they directly benefit from it! Before finding 'Zaar, I was less of a cook and more of a recipe collector but now I try many more things and we're having more fun in the kitchen (at least I am)! <br /> <br />Thanks for all your ratings, comments and help in the forums AND for posting so many great recipes. You've enhanced my cooking skills and expanded my horizons! I've learned so much. <br /> <br />For fun, I also like to read fiction, travel, see movies and shows, shop (and I love to browse thrift shops and rummage/garage sales for cookbooks, etc.). <br /> <br />The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a new star Brillat-Savarin</p>
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