Jazz Fest Sweet Potato Pone

"For some, Jazz Fest can be a religious experience. For locals, it is a yearly pilgrimige and for myself, Sweet Potato Pone is the holy grail. I am still working on the crunchy, crumbly "crust" but this recipe for the filling is the closest I have come to the real deal. If you are ever in the neighborhood of New Orleans during late April or early May, stop by Jazz Fest and try out the Pone. It will be in the same vendor tent as the Greenbean Artichoke Casserole. Or you could just try mine! Cook time includes the time to bake the Sweet Potatoes."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:




  • Preheat oven to 375°F.
  • Cook the potatoes unpeeled until tender throughout.
  • Let cool, Peel and mash the potatoes, then stir in melted butter.
  • In a bowl, beat the eggs, add sugar.
  • Add milk, vanilla, molasses, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and orange zest.
  • Beat until well blended.
  • Stir into mashed sweet potatoes, then mix until well blended.
  • Place the mixture into a buttered 1-1/2 quart baking dish.
  • Optionally, you may sprinkle the top of the pone with additional brown sugar.
  • Cover with foil and bake for 50 minutes; uncover, then bake for 10 minutes.
  • Allow the pone to cool completely before serving.

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  1. Kari, I’m so glad you dared me to make this recipe! Not only was it very easy to make, but the taste was fantastic. I loved the subtle lemon taste…it was a perfect accompaniment to the sweet potatoes. I also liked the fact that all the ingredients (except the sweet potatoes) were ones that I always have in my pantry...no searching for hard to find ingredients. My son loves sweet potatoes and has asked me to cook this recipe again next weekend. What I really couldn’t believe though was my 3 year old eating two helpings (this is a child that eats as little real food as possible)! I served this with baked ham, blackeyed peas and cornbread. For dessert, we had blackberry pie with vanilla ice cream. It was a truly delicious Southern meal!
  2. Jazz Fest Sweet Potato Pone has coconut & raisins missing from this recipe. It also has a darker topping that isn't all sugar. I have a piece in my fridge from yesterday's Jazz Fest. I co-founded the hot, ice & frozen coffee booth on the grass using http://coolbrew.com in 1995. Thanks for trying to copy that great recipe.
  3. What ever else it's called, for me this is a pudding, & a very wonderful tasting one, at that! I did cut it in half, since there were just 2 of us, & I'm the one who really enjoys a good sweet potatoe dish! Still, I have an up-coming potluck I plan to double the batch for that event! Thanks for posting this absolutely great recipe! [Tagged, made & reviewed in Zaar Cookbook Tag]


<p>Not much to tell. Love to cook, love to eat!</p>
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