Preserved Glazed Carrots

"From Ball Blue Book of preserving. I hate to admit this but I had a case of 'canning fever', my boys ate our carrots from the garden when they were only an inch long and I just felt I 'had' to can something, So bought the carrots from the supermarket...whew it felt good to get that out of my system! Yield varies- 6 pints or 3 quarts"
photo by Axe1678 photo by Axe1678
photo by Axe1678
photo by Axe1678 photo by Axe1678
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Ready In:
1hr 35mins
6 pints




  • Wash and peel carrots. Wash again. Cut carrots into 3 inch pieces. Slice thicker ends in half lengthwise.
  • Combine brown sugar, water and orange juice in a saucepot. Cook over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Keep syrup hot.
  • Pack carrots tightly into hot jars, leaving 1-inch headspace.
  • Ladle hot syrup over carrots, leaving 1-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Adjust two-piece caps.
  • Process pints and quarts 30 minutes at 10 pounds pressure in a steam-pressure canner.

Questions & Replies

  1. I have canned for many years, BUT I am new to pressure canning. Do I need to adjust time in pressure cooker for sea level like you do with hot water bath? Thanks so much for your help!
  2. This is my first post....I am making canned glazed carrots, made the sauce exactly how the recipie says it filled 3 pint jars and I have 6 jars... how are you suppose to do the orange juice,
  3. Good evening, I hope everyone is doing great! Can someone please tell me if I can use butter to can these carrots in lieu of the orange juice? This is how I normally glazed my carrots. Thank you so much!


  1. I made glazed carrots as part of our recent thanksgiving dinner, using a very similar recipe. They tasted amazing and were gone quite quickly, though I admit I underestimated the cooking time of the carrots and they held up the rest of the dinner. How cool would it have been to simply reheat? Very :D I'll be trying this tommoro. One important note: Botulism spores exist in dirt and cling to food pulled from the ground. You should clean your carrots very very well or, better yet, blanch them before canning. A canned batch of root vegetable is an ideal environment for yucky (and possibly deadly) botulism to develop full blown.
  2. What can I say? I'm thinking that this is a canned version of my Recipe #183500 in a jar! I simply couldn't resist making it! :) And honestly, it is super simple! The only change I made was that I used a combination of green, yellow and orange carrots that were organic, so I only scrubbed them and didn't peel them. Thanks for posting a keeper!
  3. Having misplaced my Ball Blue Book, I was THRILLED to find this here! I made these last year and my kids loved them. I'm canning carrots today and most of them will be done this way. Great way to get my kids to eat their carrots. These come out tasty and yet not overwhelmingly sweet. Just heat and serve!



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