Forevermama's Crescent Rugelach Cookies

"This is hands down one of my most popular and favorite cookies that I make for Christmas. They're so good and unlike many Rugelach cookies that I've had. I've been making these forever. I got it from a Good Housekeeping magazine from either late 70's or 80's. It is a recipe that was submitted by Bea Arthur from the Golden Girls and Maude, remember her? They're addictive, so watch it!"
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
25hrs 30mins
70-80 cookies




  • In a small bowl, dissolve yeast and 2 tablespoons sugar in water.
  • Combine flour and salt in a mixer bowl. With mixer at low speed, beat in yeast mixture, egg yolks, cream and vanilla.
  • Blend in butter 2 tablespoons at a time until incorporated.
  • Wrap dough and refrigerate several hours or overnight.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line cookie sheets with foil. Grease foil.
  • Combine remaining 3/4 cup sugar and the cinnamon in a small bowl. Sprinkle heaping tablespoon on work surface (you will be using more of the sugar/cinnamon mixture for rolling). (If necessary, you may need to make more cinnamon-sugar mixture).
  • Divide dough into 10 pieces; shape into balls. Cover each ball with plastic wrap. Place balls in a bowl and refrigerate until ready to use. (Can be refrigerated overnight at this point).
  • Roll 1 ball into an 8" circle, turning to coat well with cinnamon-sugar. Cut into 8 wedges.
  • Place 1/2 tsp jam, a pinch of walnuts and a few golden raisins in the outer edge of each wedge.
  • Roll up each wedge from outer edge; transfer to cookie sheet, curving to form a crescent.
  • Repeat with remaining dough.
  • Bake 25-30 minutes, until browned and puffed.
  • Remove rugelach immediately from aluminum foil (Very important step or else they will stick to foil and you will end up having to peel foil from bottom of cookies).
  • Place on wire rack to cool.
  • Tip!: In order to remove seeds from raspberry jam, heat jam in a small saucepan over low heat until jam begins to melt. Pour melted jam into a sieve and with a spoon press the jam "liquid" through the sieve mesh. The sieve will separate the seeds from jam and you'll wind up with seedless jam.

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<p>Update: ?I've moved on out of due to the changes to the site and deletion of interactive food games and forums (which was the staying-power for many of its members). I will now be interacting on recipezazz where there are cooking games and forums and where eventually I will be posting my recipes.?</p>
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