Cultured Buttermilk

"I prefer real buttermilk in recipes to the vinegar-lemon milk substitute. It was frustrating always running out of buttermilk just when I needed it most. I usually quadruple and make a gallon at a time. Once you've made your own, you can save some back to replenish your supply by making more. My husband loves an occasional cold glass of buttermilk on a hot summer day, with a little salt. Update: A couple of reviewers have reported this did not work for them. Because it is a 'culture based' recipe, it relies on the fresh buttermilk that provides the 'culture' to be fresh enough that the 'culture' is still alive. Once the culture has died, it can no longer feed to create more of itself."
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Ready In:
1 quart




  • Mix up a quart of reconstituted powdered milk by combining dry powdered milk with water.
  • Add fresh buttermilk.
  • Evening: Allow it to stand on the kitchen counter overnight; in the morning it will be buttermilk.
  • or Morning: Allow it to stand on the kitchen counter through afternoon; in the evening it will be buttermilk.
  • Store in refridgerator up to two weeks.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This is just the niftiest buttermilk recipe! I mixed a gal. in a Pampered Chef "Pump" pitcher, and quick as a wink, it was done. Now I have a bunch to cook with. Used to use the powdered buttermilk mix, but this has that beat hands down! Thanks for posting this, Cindy Lynn. It's a dandy! Laudee C.
  2. Great recipe my mother made this in the 60's I i have been trying to find the recipe for 20 years. Thanks for posting it.
  3. Didn't work for me either. Sorry for the zero was a bust.
  4. This did not work for me at all. What could have gone wrong? I followed recipe and directions exactly.
  5. Make sure that your milk powder is well dissolved. The milk powder kept separating out. Otherwise the recipe is fine.


I am currently a stay at home Mom and wife (aka: homemaker, domestic engineer, chauffeur, etc.). My husband and I made this choice about 2 1/2 years ago. At the time I was averaging 72 hours/week +. Our kids were complaining that they never saw me, and one of them was even getting in trouble (too little supervision apparently). We got the troubled teen through high school, and she is currently preparing for college. Things have improved a lot so I am considering going back to work part-time while the kids are gone to school (if the right opportunity presents itself). <br> <br>I love to cook, especially trying new recipes. I get tired of the same ol', same ol'. I also love reading cookbooks and the history of recipes. I always hated doing all the dishes afterwards, so I did a lot of one dish meals whenever possible. Recently, my husband bought me a new dishwasher, so now I am cooking up a storm! Everyone is loving it. <br> <br>I look forward to making new friends in Recipezaar, trying out new recipes, and hope some of you will try some of mine. Please, if you try my recipes, take time to post a little note telling me about your experience and any modifications you may have made. I just love to experiment and try new things in the kitchen! :-))
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