Bean Curd and Mango Wrap

"From the ABC series James can cook. Not yet tried by myself."
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  • Keep your bean curd skins covered with a damp towel to stop them splitting.
  • Cut the flesh from the mango seeds then remove the skin. Use a large spoon to scoop out the flesh from the large cheeks of mango. It is easier to remove the skin from the smaller pieces of mango with a knife. Discard the seeds and the skin. Cut the mango flesh into 5-8mm slices and put into the bowl with any juice.
  • Cut the spring onion into 2-3cm lengths at 45 degrees across the stalk. Add to the mango.
  • Remove the roots from the coriander. Wash and dry it. A salad spinner is useful for this.
  • Add the juice of the orange, tabasco to taste, and the fish sauce to the salad.
  • Lay the bean curd skin out flat.
  • Along one end, spread out a handful of snow pea shoots, a handful of bean sprouts, a handful of the mango mix, and half a dozen or so stalks of coriander. Gently but firmly roll up the bean curd skin and all its contents into a cylindrical roll.
  • Repeat the process for the second roll.
  • The wraps can be eaten immediately or wrapped in plastic film and eaten a day or two later. If you cut them, it is best to use a serrated edged knife to prevent tearing.

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I'm an ex-pat NZer living in the tropical Top End of Australia. Which makes it a perfect place to make homemade bread and summer recipes all year around. I experiment on my 3 kids who have grown up trying new Zaar recipes every other day and they are thriving. I'm the lacto-ovo vegetarian in the family and somehow I got roped in to become a Forum Host here at Zaar. So check out the Vegetarian and Vegan Forum and feel free to join in whether you are a fully fledged vegan or someone who needs to cater for a vegetarian and has no idea where to start. Every year I try to do something a bit different to push the envelope a little bit. In 2005 I learned how to sail a dinghy; 2006's grand passion is mosaics. Check out my blog! Between raising three children, working almost fulltime and trying to pursue my hobbies...let's say that my time management skills have greatly improved over the years! I am also very interested in living a sustainable lifestyle. Essentially I'm finding that I'm getting back to the country lifestyle I enjoyed in my childhood even though these days I live in themiddle of suburbia. To this end I have started gardening although I am a total gardening virgin when it comes to gardening in a tropical climate. I also have a cookbook with a number of recipes you can make from scratch. Living clean and green is good for you AND cheaper!
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