Cola Bread(ABM)

"This is a easy, unique bread which picks up the flavor of whatever soft drink you use. You can use diet or reg; flavors...cherry, strawberry,orange, gingerale, etc."
photo by Mercy photo by Mercy
photo by Mercy
Ready In:
3hrs 5mins
1 1/2 lb. loaf


  • 1 18 cups cola
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 12 teaspoons yeast


  • Place ingredients into machine according to order listed above.
  • Use light-med setting.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Real easy recipe,one of the best ones out there for this type of bread,my only suggestion is pick your soda carefully,or your bread will come out flavorless or not so pleasant tasting, I recommend really STRONG flavored soda, have only found one clear soda that works and that was cherry 7up, i would avoid diet soda
  2. It is amazing that such a simple recipe and it works perfectly :) I used Fanta's grape :) But taste wise is just a little blend.
  3. I used strawberry, so got a nice pink bread. :) Not an overpowering flavor, but there is a "something" there. I'm envisioning grape and strawberry used to make rolls for a kids party. Thanks!!
  4. This is such an easy recipe, and has turned out wonderfully every time, It is the only bread my husband wants me to make; he likes it so well. I use pineapple cola also and it is absolutely delicious.
  5. Wow! I never in a million years believed it would work, but all I had to risk was a few cups of flour and some yeast. Not only did it work, but it is absolutely wonderful! I used a pineapple flavored soda in hopes of ending up with a Hawaiian bread flavor (like King's brand) and it is really close! A touch more sugar and it would be a dead-on copy. Great texture, wonderful end result and way too easy! Deserving of far more than 5 stars in my book!


<p>I love to cook and bake! I work for a bank. I love to shop for FUN! I love old vintage cookbooks with simple, tasty recipes. My passion is SEE FOOD....see it and eat it!!! Pet peeves are incomplete recipes and recipes that call for fancy ingredients. If I had a bunch of free time with no responsibilities I would shop til I dropped and spend money like there is no tomorrow....:) My hubby is a tow truck driver and we have an 25 yr old son. We have 4 minature longhaired dachshunds.... I am a breeder as well (with a collection of rare color/pattern combinations).Also, another little fact about me is that I am related to Zaar Chef NursLinda.</p>
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