Herring Appetizer

"This is a Priscilla Knudson recipe...her favorite to bring to every pot luck dinner in Lake Eden, Minnesota. Please note this dish MUST BE MADE 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE! This recipe makes about 12 servings if the average serving is 1/3 cup."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
72hrs 5mins
4 cups




  • You will need a glass jar that will hold one quart, must have a cover!
  • Bring the vinegar, water and sugar to a boil in a saucepan, stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved. Take the saucepan off the heat and set the liquid aside to cool to room temperature.
  • Open the jars of herring and drain them in a strainer. Pick out the herring fillets, rinse them in cold water, and throw everything else away.
  • Cook the carrots according to the package instructions, but make sure they're still firm and not soft.
  • Peel the red onions and cut them into thin slices.
  • Arrange one-fourth of the onions in a thin layer in the bottom of the 1-quart glass jar. Top them with a third of the herring. Top the herring with a third of the carrots. Place 2 or 3 dill springs on the top and scatter on a third of the allspice and a third of the mustard seeds. Repeat the sequence until all the ingredients have been used, ending with a top layer of onions.
  • Pour the cooled pickling liquid into the jar. It should just cover the contents. If there's not enough pickling liquid, top off the jar with a little white vinegar right out of the bottle.
  • Place the cover on the jar.
  • Refrigerate the herring for 3 days before serving.

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  1. * * * MADE FOR MY 3 CHEFS FALL 2008 * * * I love pickled herring, so this recipe was enticing. And I'm at a loss as to how to rate this recipe. For me, in the end, it tastes just like regular pickled herring just with carrots and red onion added in. Maybe my dill wasn't strong enough to overcome the other flavors going on. I would have liked to have that stand out more. I do reccomend others to try it. I don't want to discourage anyone by my review. I hope others have success. Thanks Foxfire13 for posting this recipe.


I love to cook...will try to make just about anything and am always sharing my recipes with friends. I figured this would be a great way to keep track of all of them as well as get great new ideas. I travel the world for work and try to pick up recipes from every trip I go on!
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