Traditional Bavarian Beef Sauerbraten

"From Dean & Deluca. Sauerbraten is, quite simply, the best pot roast that we know of. Though we normally stay away from top round as a braising beef -- because it's so relatively lean -- we like to use it for sauerbraten, which requires intact slices of beef to be served at the table. Top round keeps its shape very well, and, in this dish, comes to the table quite moist -- due to the long marination and the long cooking time. To insure the moistness of the beef, have the butcher leave a thin outer covering of fat around the top round. Variation: For a "sweet" sauerbraten you can add raisins and/or gingerbread (lebkuchen) to the gravy. Serving Suggestion: Serve this deep, dark, sweet-and-sour treat with red cabbage recipe #108449 and boiled new potatoes (salzkartoffel) or spaetzle. Serves 4"
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  • In a medium saucepan combine vinegar, 1 1/2 cups of the red wine, and the onions. Wrap the parsley stems, peppercorns, bay leaves, and cloves in a double layer of cheesecloth and tie shut. Add this to the saucepan, and bring mixture to a boil. Turn off the heat, and cool to room temperature.
  • Prick the top round on all sides with a fork. Put it into a large resealable plastic bag and pour the marinade over it. Close bag and turn upside down a few times to cover meat well with marinade. Marinate, turning the bag once or twice a day, for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator.
  • When ready to cook, bring marinated beef to room temperature, about 2 hours. Remove beef from marinade and pat dry. Strain marinade, reserving the liquid and onions; discard the cheesecloth bag.
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Combine the flour, salt, and black pepper on a large plate, mixing well.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a heavy, ovenproof pan with a lid, large enough to hold the roast, over moderately high heat. When the oil is hot but not smoking, dredge meat in flour mixture, then sear well on each side, about 5 minutes per side. Pour extra fat out of pan.
  • Place 1 cup of the marinating liquid, the remaining 1/4 cup red wine, and tomatoes in the pan along with the reserved onions from the marinade. Add enough of the water so that the liquid comes about one third of the way up the side of the beef. Bring liquid to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Cover beef pan with the lid, and braise in the oven, turning sauerbraten every 30 minutes or so and spooning braising liquid over it, until meat is very tender, about 3 hours. Remove beef from pan and keep warm, covered with foil.
  • Strain and degrease the braising liquid, and discard the solids. Place the braising liquid in a small saucepan, and add the remaining marinade along with the sherry and the 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Boil the liquid until it is reduced by half, about 10 minutes. Add the additional brown sugar, if desired, and/or lemon juice to taste. Adjust seasoning.
  • Carve roast against the grain into slices that are about 3/8 inch thick. Arrange slices on a serving platter, spoon sauce over them, and garnish with parsley sprigs. Top with a dollop of sour cream, if desired.

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  1. Yumyumyum! Low & slow is THE way to go! I was laughing because the meat came out of the marinade purple! Everything was just right & thoroughly enjoyed! Made for German Tag Contest 5/12.
  2. I love sauerbraten! We had it growing up about 1/yr, and even if I made a good sauerbraten, it would never be as good as the one my Dad made! This one comes close, follow the recipe! The only difference is that I make the gravy with Ginger Snaps and serve with sliced large homemade bread dumplings and Red Cabbage. I have a couple German friends and I make a plate and drop it off at their house. Please enjoy as this is a rare fine. P.s. If you don't like sour, don't make this recipe!


<p>Married to my sweetheart for almost forty years and we have two wonderful children who are grown and have flown the coop. Also, we have been blessed with a wonderful son-in-law and beautiful daughter-in-law, plus FIVE grandchildren: two beautiful granddaughters ages five and eight, and three sweet adorable little grandsons ages 2 months, 2 years and 3 years. My husband and I share a combination of English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Dutch, Swiss, Polish, Austrian, German and French heritage, and our son-in-law and daughter-in-law are both Hispanic. We've traveled extensively to many countries abroad (we lived in Germany), and have traveled and lived in several states here in the U.S.A. Many of the recipes I post here are influenced by our combined heritage or from our travels, or they are old family favorites that I want to share with you. I hope you enjoy! Have been to culinary school with many years of cooking (mostly for my family) under my belt, so know my way around a kitchen. And I'm very lucky to have the best sous chef in the world, dddddh! One of my favorite chefs of all time is Jacques Pepin! I have several of his cookbooks, and enjoy watching his television cooking show Fast Food My Way. Another top favorite is Julia Child (of course!). A few other chefs I read/enjoy watching on t.v. are: Giada At Home, Ina Garten's The Barefoot Contessa, Nigella Lawson's Nigella Bites, and Patti's Mexican Kitchen, and many more. On my bucket list is dining at Thomas Keller's establishment The French Laundry in Napa Valley, California... as well as Alice Waters' Chez Panisse in Berkeley, and the James Beard award winning Tartine Bakery and Cafe in San Francisco. One day!! &nbsp; Hobbies/Interests: Decorating with fresh flowers and herbs from the garden is my passion, and brings me deep joy! It's really hard to beat!! I love connecting with others who enjoy the same. Gardening, decorating, sewing, music, dancing, film, and reading are also up there. Spending quality time with my grandchildren, family, and friends (and cooking holiday meals!). Currently, a newfound passion has been so richly rewarding for me: genealogical research. I heart ancestry dot com. And last but certainly not least, I absolutely LOVE cats--we have two half-Siamese fur babies (cats) that allow us to live here!!&nbsp; &nbsp; A Note of Thanks~ I try to personally thank everyone who kindly makes and reviews my recipes, but sometimes I am busy, late, or may forget. Please know that I am always humbled that you would try one of my recipes, and I enjoy reading the reviews and seeing all the pretty photographs. Thanks so much!&nbsp;</p>
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