Sweet Tomato Relish, Canning

photo by Patti N.

- Ready In:
- 6hrs
- Ingredients:
- 11
- Yields:
12-13 pints
- Serves:
- 100
- Get a big pot, really big, 10 quarts or bigger.
- Mix ingredients together and simmer uncovered on low.
- The tomatoes will break down on their own, but you can use a potato masher and/or immersion blender if a very smooth relish is desired.
- Stir often, it can burn on the bottom. Stir with a spatula to help prevent sticking and burning.
- Reduce until it reaches the consistency of applesauce. It will turn a nice dark red and be somewhat translucent. The recipe said 2-3 hours, I cooked it for 6.
- To preserve, ladle relish in to prepared, hot jars leaving at least 1/4 inch head space.
- Process in boiling water bath for 20 minute (adjust for altitude).
Questions & Replies

<p>I have been married to my amazing husband for 8 wonderful years. We added a baby boy to the mix in March '08 with another just added March '10. We have two adorable rescue dogs, a chihuahua/min pin mix and a yorkie/westie mix. I have been an ovo-lacto vegetarian for 14 years. <br /> <br />After moving to our fourth state in a year, we have finally settled in Texas. I don't know how I like all the rain and the human-sized bugs, but we really enjoy the area we have chosen to live in. Being a vegetarian in this part of the country is HARD. No one quite gets it. <br /> <br />I love testing my zaar recipes on DH. When he loves something he exclaims, Where did you get this recipe?!? and of course, my answer is always the same. <br /> <br /><img src=http://www.enviro-tote.com/imagesNew/stockart/bannerVeggie.gif alt= /> <br /> <br />My ratings system: <br />5***** <br /> I would glady serve this to guests, or make it and secretly eat it all by myself. <br />4**** <br /> Great recipe. Liked enough to print out and place in my permanent cookbook. <br />3*** <br /> Recipe not quite for me, but others might like it. Could be more to my liking with a few modifications. <br />2** <br /> Didn't like. Possible ingredient errors in recipe. Probably wouldn't use again. <br />1* <br /> Really didn't like. Would never use again. <br /> <br />#NOTE# <br />If I review any recipes containing meat, it is a recipe I prepared and DH reviewed. <br /> <br /><img src=http://www.enviro-tote.com/imagesNew/stockart/bannerVeggie.gif alt= /> <br /> <br />Little Italy, San Diego <br /><img src=http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e342/hadice/Cool/LittleItaly.jpg alt= /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/DUCHESS13/berriesblinkie.gif alt= /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/projects/untitled_1.jpg alt= /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/200_artistrichardneuman-art-prints_.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/untitled.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a132/tgifford/Game%20Room%20Banners/AM%20Banners/KBparticipation.jpg border=0 alt=Photobucket /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3316/3345270671_dd30334798.jpg alt= /><img src=http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg271/MrsTeny/AMpageSticker.jpg alt= /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg271/MrsTeny/Permanent%20Collection/Aug09PaperSwapSticker.jpg alt= /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j166/ZaarNicksMom/Animation6.gif alt= /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j166/ZaarNicksMom/PACsticker-Adopted.jpg alt= /> <br /> <br /><img src=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/kiwidutch/my3chefs2009final-1.jpg alt= /></p>