Soft and Silky Facial Moisturizer

"From Delicious Living. Glycerin attracts moisture; that's whay makes it such a great moisturizer - it brings in moisture from the air to the skin - so it can actually increase the moisture in the skin by adding water from the air. This is great for oily skin. It soaks in pretty quickly and feels cool."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
5/8 cup


  • 12 cup aloe vera gel
  • 18 cup vegetable glycerin


  • Combine the ingredients, stirring well, and store in a glass jar with a screw top lid. (I put it in a baby food jar.).
  • To use, apply a small dab to clean, damp skin and gently massage inches.

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  1. I held off writing a review until I could see how it works. Then I just forgot. lol<br/>This is great stuff. I have been using it for 2 months now and it works as well as the $80 moisturizer I had been using. Its wonderful on hands and DH has taken to using it after shaving. The reason I remembered to review this now is that he just came out of the shower and had shaved. He presented me with an empty jar and said "now what?" 30 seconds later he had his moisturizer. Thanks so much for sharing.
  2. This is a wonderful basic recipe! I like to add a little vitamin E oil and also a little lavender EO; even without the additions, however, the basic recipe is fabulous. I put it in a small dropper bottle, which makes it easy to apply.
  3. I could not find vegetable glycerin so used regular. It seems to work great. I do AVOID EYE AREA as both the aloe and glycerin bottles say to do that. I use this as a night cream and makes my skin feel really soft. I also use it on my hands at night and it is great stuff. Thanks !
  4. Made for My 3 Chefs, was difficult finding vegetableglycerin up here in the mountains of CA but once I did and made this up I found the perfect solution to my dry skin problem I have been experiencing, and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg. Wanted to add this short note, I put this on two nights in a row prior to going to bed. It left no stains on my pillow, and when I woke up in the morning my face felt sooooo nice and soft. Will be making this a nightly routine from now on. Thank You for posting this recipe, you are a life saver! or should I say skin


I am a Christian wife and mother of 3 kids. Since my DH's high cholesterol, we've been eating better. I never used to like cooking. Since eating better, I've liked learning and preparing new recipes. My kids haven't reconciled themselves to the new eating yet. I grind my own grain and make all my own breads.?Working 2 hours a day in the local high school lunch room.??I am homeschooling my high schooler.? ?Also found out 1 child has multiple food allergies (wheat, dairy, tomato, chocolate, etc) and another is gluten sensitive. So, we just started (July 09) eating gluten and dairy free. I've been busy with getting our house market ready, even though it's not the best time for that.?
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