Rosy Crabapple or Apple Pie Filling - (Freeze or Can)

photo by Baby Kato

- Ready In:
- 19mins
- Ingredients:
- 7
- Yields:
1 pie
- In large pot steam sliced apples 1- 2 minutes.
- Cool 1- 2 minutes.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and pie filler is ready to use.
- Hint When dealing with large quantities of apples I prepare double and triple batches of the pie filler, cool and set into the fridge while preparing the pastry.
- I find using the recipe 'Lemon Tang Pastry' which was passed to me as no-fail pastry works so very well making the preparation of pies for the freezer a snap.
- Time depends on how fast you can prepare the apples, those with experience do get throught prep time quickly!
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5 for flavor, but waaay too soupy. Maybe the extra water is only if you're freezing it or something? I actually think this would be a bit on the soupy side even if no water was added. None the less, this was incredibly tastey-- and totally worth the fact that I had to eat it with a spoon! It's a great way to put all those crabapples to use. Next time I'll nix the water and maybe even add a little cornstarch.
Maybe makes sense to experienced cooks but too many steps missing for me! How do you steam apples? Do you put the apples into the bottom pie shell before you add the other ingredients, or mix them in a bowl then pour the mix into the pie shell? You've made your batch of pies--do you freeze them whole? Or do you make four balls of dough and freeze those, and four batches of pie filling and freeze them? And if you're baking the pie, what temperature and for how long?
I like the simple ingredients. My crabapples have pretty big seeds so I decided to remove them which was tedious. Steaming for 2 minutes may have been a little short for this size crabapple. We can't have flour so I left out the water and flour and the moisture level was fine. I used an almond flour crust. I would have liked some guidance on how long to bake. I baked about an hour at 375 and took out as they were just starting to char. I served it with a little vanilla ice cream and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Thanks for sharing your idea on using crabapples!
I wanted to use some of the crabapples loading down my tree so I tried this pie. My only real problem seems to be my own lack of experience. I sliced the apples, I did not core them. The seeds looked so tiny I figured they would just cook up nice and soft. I spent the entire time I was eating picking crushed, unappealing seeds out of my mouth. I also doubled the sugar and still found them too sour. Any way I don't think I will try this again.
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This worked very well for us. In fact it is a favorite. I use it for all crabapples as well as what is 'unfavorite' apples of my other half who loves apples. Suddenly the unfavorite becomes favorite. The only thing I do different is I use Butter Budds in place of the butter and margarine because we aren't allowed it on our diet. Works very well with them or other butter sub.
<p>I live in Saskatchewan where hospitality and food go hand in hand. Community suppers, Beef Pit Barbecues, Church suppers, potlucks, tea and bake sales, booths at the curling and hockey rinks in winter, the ball games in summer. What is truly the spirit of Saskatchewan is that these events are for most part the efforts of community volunteers sharing their time as well as their best make and takes. Small communities along with the larger centres across the province are well known for their turkey suppers, cabbage rolls, perogies and overflowing dessert tables. Homemade of course! <br /> <br />I love preparing meals for my family and friends and in the sharing of good recipes be they mine or that of another. My posted recipes are recipes that are family favorites. My reviews here on Zaar allow that I have been most fortunate in the choosing of the recipes I have made. Without doubt we all love those over the top desserts and dishes to serve on special occasions and for those fives are a given. For me equally important are the recipes used in the daily meal preparation. Recipes enjoyed by my family be it a simple soup, salad or casserole are right up there with the 'over the tops' and share equal billing. Yes five star ratings ... if my family enjoyed, I would serve to invited guests, take to a pot luck, coffee hour or bake sale. <br /></p>
<p>Aside from cooking and baking I admit that my interest in gardening exceeds that of the norm. I collect cookbooks, my favorites being the community and church cookbooks that have everyone sharing their favorite recipes. Enjoy yard sales on occasion but tend to keep my hands in my pockets, cannot completely resist when it comes to the glassware, baskets and of course cookbooks. I take great pleasure in reading with non fiction being my first choice when it comes to the choosing.</p>