Quick Tomato Jam

"I love tomato jam, but can't buy it in the UK! So the last time I went back to South Africa on holiday, I managed to get hold of this very easy and very quick tomato jam recipe."
photo by Alma Pretorius photo by Alma Pretorius
photo by Alma Pretorius
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
photo by kiwidutch photo by kiwidutch
Ready In:
1 Litre




  • Mix tomatoes, apple and ginger in a large microwave-proof dish.
  • Microwave uncovered at 100% power for 15 minutes.
  • Stir in lemon juice and caster sugar and microwave at 100% for a further 40 minutes, or until jam starts setting, stirring every 10 minutes.
  • The time the jam takes to set depends on the wattage of your microwave.
  • It might be a good idea to spoon a bit onto a cold plate after 25 minutes, and see if it sets.
  • When done, spoon the hot jam into sterilized jars and seal immediately.

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  1. Wonderful ! I adopted you for Pick-a-Chef Spring 2007 and this recipe caught my eye. I wasn't sure how tomatoes as jam would work... but willing to have a go, and it works, very well! It's sweet but very tomato-y at the same time and the ginger gives a definiate flavour injection. I used fresh ginger, grated very finely because I wasn't sure what was meant by preserved gingerroot. Who cares if I didn't do it prefectly, the result is very tasty indeed. I assumed that I would taste a bit like commercial tomato sauce, but although it is similar it definiately doesn't. Please see my Rating System: an excellent 5 stars for a recipe that's easy to make, tastes different but wonderful and has a heap of uses from on crackers, or as an addition to anything that needs a wonderful sweet tomato flavour. Thanks!


- Married with a beautiful baby boy (http://www.rees-bevan.com/kieran) - Love cooking/baking and trying new stuff in the kitchen - Web programmer and public speaker - Originally from Cape Town, South Africa... arrived London 1999, moved to Sydney in Sept 2005.
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