Papaya Berry Smoothie

"Papaya's are rich in antioxidants. Contains many minerals a good source of potassium & magnesium. When they are green they contain a good source of papain a protein-digesting enzyme similar to bromelain. Which is used in meat tenderizers. Berries are a good source of anticancer compound ellagic acid. Studies have shown those that ate strawberries were 3 times less likely to develop cancer then those that didn't eat them."
photo by Mia in Germany photo by Mia in Germany
photo by Mia in Germany
photo by White Rose Child photo by White Rose Child
photo by Rita1652 photo by Rita1652
photo by Rita1652 photo by Rita1652
Ready In:




  • Place all in blender till smooth and creamy. To your health! Enjoy!

Questions & Replies

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  1. Fantastic - matches exactly my requirements for low fructose! I used rice milk and added 1 teaspoon tahini for creaminess. No sweetener necessary, the papaya really is sweet enough. For the berries I used sour cherries, cranberries and blueberries. This definitely is a keeper - thanks for sharing! Made for POOL PARTY TAG GAME.
  2. Sweet, creamy and smooth. Be sure you have a ripe papaya (slightly soft when squeezed) and that you cut off the bitter ends and skin). I love that Rita gives nutrition information in the description!
  3. Yummy. I changed by adding 1 c. fat-free plain yogurt, and did not use the honey since the mixed berries are sweet enough. Add more milk until you get your desired consistency. Great breakfast drink!
  4. Faaab! I actually like papaya in this... I added the honey, half a frozen banana and had to use a lot of extra soymilk and water. My food processor's quite powerful, but I think my papaya chunks were REALLY firmly frozen. Will repeat this one, thanks!
  5. Used my usual mix of frozen blueberries, raspberries & marionberries for this recipe, omitted the honey & used skim milk along with a nicely ripe papaya! Rita, YOUR BEVERAGE RECIPES ARE GREAT! Thanks for sharing! [Tagged, made & reviewed for a teammate in our raw food group in the Vegetarian/Vegan Recipe Swap]



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