Oriental Spinach Salad

"This is a refreshingly different and easy salad that I have made many times. It comes from an old cookbook of mine entitled "The Complete Encyclopedia of Chinese Cooking."
photo by Bergy photo by Bergy
photo by Bergy
photo by Derf2440 photo by Derf2440
photo by Derf2440 photo by Derf2440
photo by Derf2440 photo by Derf2440
Ready In:




  • Place washed and dried spinach in a large bowl.
  • Combine sesame oil, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, mustard and sesame seeds.
  • Pour over spinach.
  • Toss to coat.
  • Let set 5 minutes.
  • Toss again.
  • Serve.

Questions & Replies

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  1. This tastes exactly like the spinach salad at my favorite Asian buffet restaurant! Nice oriental flavors but not too overpowering. I did reduce the amount of sesame oil, but just because of my own personal tastes. Also didn't add sugar because of my diet, though next time I may try it with a bit of honey instead. The dijon in here suprised me, but you can't really taste it, it just seems to add something more to the salad. Thank for this one, Normaone!
  2. The dressing for this salad is absolutely delicious, and very easy to make! I made some changes to the salad, however, to make it more interesting: I added a can of water chestnuts, some cashews, and chow mein noodles. I think without these additions (particularly the cashews) the salad would have been too monotonous. Also, as one reviewer noted the spinach does start to wilt after it has been sitting in the dressing for several minutes. So, I suggest NOT letting the salad sit for 5 min after adding the dressing. Instead, either add the dressing and serve immediately, or offer dressing on the side for people to add individually. The wilting didn't bother me but I see why it might for some people. Overally a great recipe that just needs a tiny bit of tweaking. Thanks!
  3. I hate to submit a rating of only 2 stars -- and have to wonder what I did wrong!!! I followed the directions exactly, yet my spinach was wilted something awful. I put the dressing on, let it sit 5 minutes, then tossed again. It just wasn't very pleasant to look at or eat. I did add some chopped egg, a small handful of bean sprouts and sprinkled with some chinese noodles (the dry ones in the can) just as I was serving it. I don't think any of those additions should result in such a wilted salad. In the photo that Bergy submitted it looks like maybe she didn't exactly toss the dressing with the salad -- but just poured some over it at the time it was served. Maybe I'll give that method a try. Her beautiful photo sure doesn't look like my salad did!!!!
  4. Very nice salad I had for dinner. The sauce was great. I added some chopped boiled eggs and a can of tuna. This and a chunk of bread made a great dinner. Thanks Normaone
  5. mmm the dressing on this salad was exceptional!! wonderful flavour! Because of the "spinach scare" Bergy used Arugala in place of the spinach and it was great, nice and peppy and went beautifully with the dressing, also added chopped egg which added another deminsion to the salad and a nice bit of colour, the dressing is definately the star of this salad, served to me at a wonderful luncheon by Bergy, Thanks for posting I will be using this one!!


  1. This tastes exactly like the spinach salad at my favorite Asian buffet restaurant! Nice oriental flavors but not too overpowering. I did reduce the amount of sesame oil, but just because of my own personal tastes. Also didn't add sugar because of my diet, though next time I may try it with a bit of honey instead. The dijon in here suprised me, but you can't really taste it, it just seems to add something more to the salad. Thank for this one, Normaone!



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