Mom's Sweet Rice Cereal

"Do you like Oatmeal? Hot cereal? This is another great recipe handed down. Doesn't matter how old you are, when you are sick you want your Mom! Recently while being sick and not having much of an appetite, I remembered this hot cereal my mom made us girls while growing up. It's quick, comforting and sweet (But not too sweet ;) ) My mom always made this with Recipe #199171 .... you will love it and so will the kids."
photo by Vseward Chef-V photo by Vseward Chef-V
photo by Vseward Chef-V
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  • In a medium saucepan -- bring water and 1/2 Tbl butter to boil.
  • Add rice and stir to combine. Remove from Heat and cover 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar and 1/2 Tbl butter, stir to combine.Serve in your favorite cereal bowl, add milk and sprinkle with cinnamon Sugar mixture.

Questions & Replies

  1. Can brown rice be used instead of minute rice?
  2. how do you make a sweet rice


  1. My mom used to fix this all the time. We ate it at least once a week...sometimes more.
  2. I ate this growing up, too. My mother used regular rice, though. I still make it for myself whenever I'm home alone and craving comfort food. I add a touch of vanilla extract to it too. We didn't eat it for breakfast, we ate it for dinner.
  3. i liked it but its two hard
  4. Quite a few quick and easy college meals with rice, milk and sugar. Made mine super simple. 1 cup rice, 1 cup water, microwave 5 minutes, add milk (your own preference) and 2-3 TBSP of sugar. Filling and cheap!


  1. Made 6 cups of rice used 4 cups of water 2cups of milk. Instead of 6 cups of water. I like using the regular rice instead of minute rice.
  2. We have always made this in our family since as far back as I remember....starting with my grandmother. We tweak it by using canned milk, dash a vanilla, and a little more butter. Eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Usually with baked chicken for dinner
  3. its two hard its a alot im 19 and iotta ask my sister two help me my sister is 19 two
  4. add a tablespoon of honey if you're looking to cut down on sugar


I don't think there's anything better than spending time with family and friends and enjoying delicious food together. I just love food. I love reading about food, writing about food, cooking food and.. not surprisingly, eating food. My latest passion is food-photography! I'm still learning a lot, but I'm trying to post photos with all my recipes and reviews. I read recipe books, magazines and food blogs like novels. I get such satisfaction when someone enjoys a meal or dessert that I have prepared. It is the biggest compliment to me when my family and friends rave about my cooking. There are so many terrific recipes on this site. If I'm looking for something, I'm sure to find it here. I do have stacks of my own favorite recipes which I am slowly but surely getting in my cookbooks here . I have had so many awesome reviews and fabulous photos taken of my recipes... I try to thank everyone personally .. I sincerely appreciate each and every review and or comment left. I know it takes time to photograph and upload photos - So I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for finding and trying my recipes and taking the extra effort...
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