Maple Barbecue Chicken - Crockpot

"I found this recipe while going through some old files. It came in an email I received back in 2002. Says the source is "Lazy Recipes." I don't know if that's a website or a cookbook or what, but this sounds like a good recipe for the lazy!"
photo by Capncrunch photo by Capncrunch
photo by Capncrunch
Ready In:
8hrs 10mins




  • Combine all ingredients in crockpot. Cover and cook on LOW for 7-8 hours.
  • Remove chicken, shred and return to pot.

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  1. This was really simple to make in the crockpot! I added about 2 tbsp of honey to give it a little more oomph. We had it with mac n cheese and a green salad. Thanks for sharing!
  2. I was SO looking to fwd to cooking this up! I was not as excited to eat it however. I was reminded of Spaghetti O's. The flavor was quite bland w/ketchup being the only real flavor. I'm thinking perhaps w/the addition of brown sugar it c/b a real winner. I choose to cook this on the stove using pre-cooked grilled chicken and served it over Jasmine rice w/a side of steamed veggies.


I've lived in several different places (Mississippi, New York, Germany, Montana, Georgia) because my husband was a military officer, but we decided to make Alabama our home after his military career. I've worked for the US Postal Service for the past 15 years and love my job! I've been married for 27 years to my best friend and have beautiful twin daughters (pictured below). One is an art major and musician (she plays viola, guitar, piano, drums, and has the voice of an angel). The other is a French major, Starbucks barista, and ballet dancer, formerly with Ballet Magnificat and now an apprentice with the contemporary ballet company, Arova. <img src=""> My biggest pet peeve? People who bash the Post Office. Given the resources it has the Post Office does a remarkable job. For less than 50¢ someone will come to your house, pick up a letter and deliver it to the other side of the country in a few days time. What a bargain! The majority of postal workers I know are dedicated hard-working employees who take pride in their jobs. Just like in any company/organization you will find some slackers but the reason so much is heard about bad service or bad employees in USPS is because the Post Office is one of the only agencies that touches every American's life. Anytime you have a service problem, instead of just complaining to your friends & family, ask to speak to the postmaster/station manager. If you don't get the result you want write a letter to your congressman. All congressional inquiries are promptly addressed. The fact is that most people find it easier to complain and do nothing rather than do what needs to be done to address the issue. <img src=""> Here are some of my absolute favorite recipes that I've found on Zaar and that my family enjoys: FAVORITE QUICK LUNCH: RECIPE#47504 FAVORITE SNACK: RECIPE#291689 FAVORITE CHICKEN SALAD: RECIPE#192150 FAVORITE SOUP: RECIPE#201592 FAVORITE "UNUSUAL" RECIPE: RECIPE#19103 FAVORITE POTATO RECIPE (tie): RECIPE#15280 AND RECIPE#44819 FAVORITE "MAKES YOUR VEGETABLES TASTE LIKE DESSERT" RECIPE: RECIPE#78204 FAVORITE SIMPLE RECIPE: RECIPE#107411 FAVORITE MIXED VEGGIE RECIPE (tie): RECIPE#183613 AND RECIPE#365501 FAVORITE MEATLOAF (tie): RECIPE#313588 AND RECIPE#329333 FAVORITE RECIPE USING BROCCOLI: RECIPE#9497 FAVORITE COPYCAT RECIPE: RECIPE#123522 FAVORITE RECIPE USING SMOKED PAPRIKA: RECIPE#205225 FAVORITE RECIPE USING FRESH BASIL: RECIPE#276657 FAVORITE PORK ROAST (tie): RECIPE#18058 AND RECIPE#116208 FAVORITE DO-AHEAD BREAKFAST: RECIPE#155945 FAVORITE BARBECUE: RECIPE#293823 FAVORITE FUDGE: RECIPE#76617 FAVORITE RECIPE USING BLUEBERRIES (tie): RECIPE#135198 AND RECIPE#307009 <B>SWAPS</B> <img src=> Partner: S_Mama0608 <img src=""> Partner: mandabears <img src=""> Partner: Chef nanaof6 <img src=""> Partner: Jamilah's Kitchen <img src=""> Partner: ~Rita~ <img src=""> Partner: QueenBee49444 <img src=""> Partner: JackieOhNo! <img src=""> Partners: FloridaNative & UnknownChef86 <img src=""> Partner: HokiesLady <img src=""> Partner: mandabears <img src=""> Partner: Bblondie08 <img src=""> Partner: cajunhippiegirl <img src=""> Partner: 4-H Mom <img src=""> Partner: Coffee lover <img src=""> Partner: Toffiffeezz <img src=""> Partner: morgainegeiser <img src=""> Partner: NELady <img src=""> Partner: Breezytoo <img src=""> Partner: mydesigirl <b>COOK-A-THONS</b> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <b>TAG GAMES</b> <img src=""> <img src=""> #34 Group Partners: **Jubes**, Kiwi Kathy & susie cooks <img src=""> #33 Group Partners: Elmotoo, Karen Elizabeth & PaulaG <img src=""> #32 Group partners: happynana, MarraMamba & Pneuma <img src=""> #30 Group partners: Chili Spice, January Bride & Tisme <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <b>EVENTS</b> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src="">
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