Kombucha - No- Alcohol Lime Mint Bubbly

"I have just discovered "Kombucha", and I LOVE IT! It is said to support- Digestion, Metabolism, Immune System, Appetite Control, Weight Control, Liver Function, Body Akalinity, Anti- Aging, Cell Integrity, Healthy Skin and Hair. This is from Wikopedia- "Kombucha is the Western name for sweetened tea or tisane that has been fermented by a macroscopic solid mass of microorganisms called a "kombucha colony," usually consisting principally of Acetobacter-species and yeast cultures. It has gained much popular support within many communities, mentioned by talk show hosts and celebrities. The increase in popularity can be seen by the many commercial brands coming onto the retail market and thousands of web pages about this fermented beverage". You can read more there at- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kombucha . It will even tell you how to make Kombucha. I bought mine at a health food store, but I am soon going to make it myself. The drink I bought is called "Synergy". I bought the Gingerade, the Divine Grape, and the original. I love the flavored ones and can't wait to get other flavors to try. I believe the Grape flavored can be used in recipes called for wine if you don't use alcohol because it has the flavor of wine to me. You can use any flavor in this drink, but the ginger one was recommended. It may be a little too tart to some people so just add a little more mint. I hope you like it as much as I do."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
2 large glasses




  • Put the limes in a shaker (or something large enough with a lid).
  • Add the agave and muttle. (mash or squish).
  • Add ice along with 4 or 5 mint leaves.
  • Add Kombucha (any flavor) to make the shaker 3/4's full.
  • Top it off with the sparkling water to the top line of the shaker cup.
  • Do not strain. Just pour into your glass and Enjoy!

Questions & Replies

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  1. I make my own kombucha, but have found it hard to drink. I tried this and love it! I used the juice of 1 lime, seltzer and combined it all in the blender. I tried honey, as agave is worse than HFCS, but the honey sat at the bottom of the blender (I think some mixed in bcz it seemed like I could taste some). So I added some liquid stevia and it turned out perfectly! I'm so glad to have found this. Too bad there aren't more recipes on here with kombucha.
  2. Sounds really yummy, kind of like a (mostly) alcohol-free mojito. I make my own kombucha (so much cheaper) and am looking for ways to flavor it. This sounds like a really good flavor combination that I'll likely try by adding ginger, lime juice and mint leaves before bottling. Can't wait to try it!
  3. I'm new to the world of fermentation, altho' it's ancient and world-wide. Still in "discovery" mode for flavorings. It's a fine example of "Kitchen Science". Thanks for promoting this exotica.


Hi, I am Rawzilla aka Chef Mommie. I have started this new account to go with my new found lifestyle of being a Raw Foodist. The desire came about before the beginning of the year and I basically started on the 1st of January. It was not set out to be a New Years resolution or anything, it just happened in that timing. My main desire for this new way of life came about in doing research to help eliminate pain in my body. Told for the last ten years (and rebuking it) that I have Fybromyalgia, I decided to make lifestyle changes to see if it would help. So far the Raw lifestyle has eliminated 80% of my pain, helped me think clearer and see clearer and has helped me with water retention. I am very excited to see how far I can go with this. 100 % Raw is really hard to achieve, I would say today I have been about 95% Raw. Would have been 100% but I am snacking on dry Ezekial cereal. Plus I love the Ezekial breads, especially the sesame. I will eat free range eggs cooked , so every now and then I will splurge on having a healthier french toast. My goal for the week would be 75% Raw. I won't be giving up my Chef Mommie account because I still have to cook for my family. My dh will eat my raw foods, but he only wants them as side dishes. Since my family isn't converted I will still be cooking for them and rating recipes under my orginal account.
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