Easiest Vegan Apple Pie

"I think keeping Apple Pie simple is best. This one is as easy as it gets and it always turns out delicious! I used my food processor slicing blade to cut up the apples. It made it so much faster and easier to do. As always, I used my Easy Vegan Spelt Pie Crust: http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Easy-Vegan-Spelt-Pie-Crust-196863 for this recipe. It makes 2-9" pie crusts."
photo by Chef Joey Z. photo by Chef Joey Z.
photo by Chef Joey Z.
photo by Chef Joey Z. photo by Chef Joey Z.
photo by Chef Joey Z. photo by Chef Joey Z.
Ready In:


  • 5 -8 cups apples (I used Granny Smith sliced thin)
  • 12 cup dry sweetener (I used Xylitol)
  • 4 tablespoons white spelt flour
  • 12 teaspoon cinnamon (you can use more, it really adds to the flavor)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 14 cup cold margarine (I used earth balance)


  • Preheat the oven to 425'F.
  • Peel and core your apples and slice them up. Add the sugar, flour, cinnamon and lemon juice and give it a good toss to cover the apples. Set aside.
  • Prepare your 2-9" crusts. Put the bottom one into the pie pan and fill it with the apple mixture. Dollop the cold margarine evenly on top of the apple mixture.
  • Put the top on the pie and fold the sides under and flute.
  • If you like brush the top with some soy milk and sprinkle with a little raw cane sugar.
  • Bake at 425'F for 12 minutes, then turn the oven down to 350'F and bake for another 20-40 minutes.
  • If the edges start to brown too much cover with tin foil.
  • Once done, test for doneness. Cool on a metal wrack.
  • Serve warm with a dollop of your favorite vegan topping, a slice of vegan cheddar cheese or some vegan ice cream.
  • Bon Appetit!

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<img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/susied214/permanent%20collection/Adopted1smp.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> I was born in northern Ontario in Canada. I am of Irish /Spanish/French Canadian descent. In 2002, myself, my hubby Stu, and our dog Ginger moved to the high desert of New Mexico. I am a Domestic Engineer and a Professional Artist. I enjoy oldies, classical and jazz music. My hubby is a Professional Jazz and Classical Musician. He plays with the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra which is wonderful because I get to see all his concerts and they are free! We are trying our best to live a Green and Sustainable lifestyle which is no easy feat in a desert. I love any cookbook that promotes good health and tasty meals. I enjoy pasta dishes and sweet vegan deserts. I have found that I am very successful in converting conventional recipes to vegan. This has allowed me to enjoy all types of foods that I other wise could not. Some day we would like to relocate to upstate New York and be closer to my family in Canada and my husbands in New York. My DH retires in 9 years, so nothing will stop us from heading home then :-)
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