Barbecue Sauce for Chops, Wings, Spareribs

"Another favorite 1960 recipe from one of my old recipe cards. A great basic barbecue sauce for pork chops, chicken wings, or spareribs using ingredients readily available in most pantries. No precooking of the sauce is required but you can simmer it for 10 to 15 minutes if you like. Or, just mix the sauce ingredients together, pour over the meat, and bake. Adjust seasonings to taste. You can add garlic powder or minced garlic if you like. A good make ahead for next day barbecue."
photo by justcallmetoni photo by justcallmetoni
photo by justcallmetoni
Ready In:
2 cups




  • Trim excess fat from pork chops, remove tips from chicken wings, cut spareribs into serving pieces.
  • There should be enough meat to cover the bottom of 9"x13" pan in a single layer.
  • Even though precooking of the meat is not required, I usually parboil spareribs to get rid of excess fat, and brown pork chops, drain the fat, and deglaze the browning pan with some of the sauce.
  • Combine all the sauce ingredients.
  • Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes (optional).
  • Pour sauce over chops, wings, or ribs.
  • Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 75 to 90 minutes or until meat is tender and thoroughly cooked.
  • Baking time will depend on quantity, type of meat, and thickness.
  • Baste occasionally and turn over at least once.
  • Place meat on a serving dish.
  • Pour balance of sauce into a bowl.
  • Skim off any excess grease, or chill the sauce to allow the fat to solidify on top so it will be easier to remove.

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  1. My husband and I were planning BBQ porkchops on the grill when I discovered I was out of BBQ sauce. I found this recipe, substituting Splenda's brown sugar blend, and I am so glad I did!! My husband and I both liked it better than our usual store bought brand and I will use this as our BBQ sauce from now on. My only change will be to decrease the brown sugar slightly since it was a tad sweeter than I like. Thank you!
  2. This was great! I added about a teaspoon of minced fresh garlic and 1/2 tsp of dried mustard. Simmered for about 15 minutes before pouring over the seared pork chops. Since my chops were not exceptionally thick I covered the baking dish with foil and baked for 1 hour. This was a nice tangy addition to the chops and will be making again this way soon. Thanxs foodtvfan :)
  3. Loved this one for both ease and flavor. I made this with a pair of boneless chops trimmed from a whole pork loin. Gave the inch thick chops a very quick sear in a cast iron skillet (90 seconds), poured the sauce on top and popped it into the oven for 40 minutes basting the chops twice during that time. Did not cook the sauce ahead of time, but truly that was fine as the sauce was thick and rich; and kept the the meat moist and tender. The flavors in this are very simple but welll balanced betweent sweet (from the ketchup) and tangy (from the vinegar), but it would be very easy to adjust with your favorites like additional chili powder, dried mustard, whatever. Think of it as a great blueprint for a great dinner. I will certainly do this again with chicken as well as chops. Thanks!


<p>My favorite thing to do is to spend time with family and friends,&nbsp;especially my two grandsons. Cooking, collecting recipe books and tried and true recipes from family and friends, and all the wonderful cooks here at, is what I enjoy too.</p> <p>My favorite sayings are: &nbsp;Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift; that is why it is called the 'present'. <img title=Smile src=/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif border=0 alt=Smile />&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live for today. <img title=Smile src=/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif border=0 alt=Smile />&nbsp;</p> <p>My favorite poem is: <br /><span>Common Things <br /></span>The things I prize of greatest worth, <br />Are just the common things of earth; <br />the rain, the sun, the grass, the trees; <br />The flowers, the birds, the glorious breeze; <br />Clouds that pass, and stars that shine, <br />Mountains, valleys, all are mine; <br />Rivers broad, and open sea <br />Are riches none can take from me. <br />Our God is here on every hand, <br />Upon the sea, upon the land! <br />And day by day my thanks I give <br />That with these common things I live. <br />....Praying Hands</p> <p>My pet peeve is people who spit gum on the sidewalk even if there is a trash bin a few feet away!! I have stepped in 'fresh' gum a couple of times!!&nbsp;</p> <p><img src= alt=/ /> <br /><br /><img src= alt=/ /></p>
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