Pannu Kakku (Finnish Oven Pancake)

"An eggy, buttery, oven pancake. This looks so good, I can't wait to try it. Putting the recipe hear for safe keeping. I got it off Erin's kitchen blog. Hope she doesn't mind. Update: Finally got to make this deliciously ooey, gooey pancake. I also added a dash of vanilla and would also recomend decreasing the butter to about 6 tbs from 8. I also preheated the oven to 400 degrees to melt the butter and then decreased the temp to 350 when I put the batter in. Oh so yummy! I will update the ingredients below so that the nutritional information is correct."
photo by CTaylor photo by CTaylor
photo by CTaylor
photo by vkleinheksel photo by vkleinheksel
photo by Katina N. photo by Katina N.
photo by CTaylor photo by CTaylor
photo by CTaylor photo by CTaylor
Ready In:




  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Melt butter in oven in a 9x13 pan; should be sizzling when you take it out.
  • Meanwhile, mix other ingredients like hell - till very frothy. Pour batter into pan with melted butter.
  • Bake 40 minutes. Eat immediately.

Questions & Replies

  1. How do you print the recipe?


  1. This is THE Finnish recipe for pannukakku. Granny came from Finland and it was hard to talk with her because she didn't learn english language. But this is THE recipe from her country.
  2. This is the exact recipe my grams who came over from Finland used to make us. I had to look up the ballpark cook time. For everyone who is reducing the butter and the sugar and then knocking the recipe for it being too sweet or too calorie dense you are not only changing the macros but also the authentic consistency of the dish and guess what that’s absolutely fine! For you and your family however; if you want to try a true Fin dish stick to this recipe ?????
  3. Perfectly buttery with a lovely custard-like middle. I halved the recipe and it turned out just fine. 10/10 would recommend.
    • Review photo by vkleinheksel
  4. Pannukakku! Best baked in a cast iron skillet. I use half as much sugar as this recipe asks for. Or no sugar and add some herbs and serve for dinner.
  5. This was delicious. I used half the sugar and 1 tsp (tabelspoon???) Vanilla and served with jam for breakfast.


  1. This is great served cold with jam if there are left overs!


I live in a beautiful seaside town in Massachusetts with my husband, 2 daughters and 2 cats. When not experimenting in the kitchen, I'm writing steampunk romance (Not sure what that is? Check out my website!). Recently agented, I hope to see my books in print soon. Can't wait! <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> Amelia (2 y.o. here) enjoying a cider donut after apple picking. <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> Maeve (4 y. o. here) I love cooking and can't resist trying to figure out what ingredients went into a good meal. I'm not really one for measuring, and usually just make things up as I go along. My brain tends to shut down at the sight of too many ingredients in a recipe (must be A.D.D. or something) so that's something I'm trying to work on. Most of my recipes are quick and easy to make, since I'm usually trying to get dinner out in a hurry. My family is Greek and my husband is Irish, but also lived in Spain for several years, so my cooking tends to reflect those cultures, but in general we're fairly adventurous. Feel free to zmail me! Please click below to help feed animals at local shelters. It's free! It also links to other great sites where you can help with just a click. Update: Just got a new camera, so hopefully my pictures will improve drastically. I had been using the camera on my cell. Needless to say the pics weren't great. I'll try retaking any that I've already posted.
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