Flea trap

"I used the method to reduce the flea population in my den after it exploded. Didn't want to use that much Frontline or the bug bombs. I DID use Frontline but just 3 or 4 squirts. Less chemicals in my house, the better."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1 application


  • 236.59 ml warm water
  • 4.92-9.85 ml dish laundry detergent


  • Bring a big plate into the area of infestation (I used a big plastic dinner plate 1 cm deep) Mix warm water and detergent and pour into plate.
  • Place plate in a safe place away from children or pets.
  • The fleas will be attracted by the warm water, jump into the mixture and drown as there is no surface tension (the detergent took care of that)
  • No one and no pets were allowed in my den when I was using this method.
  • Changed it 2-3 times a day until infestation has been reduced.

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  1. I used this treatment years ago, it was recommended that you have a light shining down on the water to attract the fleas during the night ( used a desk lamp).My DH questioned how the fleas would know to go to that room, so I made a big sign saying " Fleas -- this way". Don't know if it was the sign or the light but we sure caught alot of them.
  2. I have used this for years and while it won't rid the house completely of fleas, it sure does help. I use foil pie pans, put a few drops of dish liquid (don't use citrus scent of any kind), put some water in it, swish it around and put it under a night light. I've used it on hard wood floors as well as carpet. If your dogs have fleas, you can soap them up with Dawn dish liquid, let it sit a couple of minutes and they wash right off! I prefer it to pesticides on my pups!
  3. Don't use lemon soap. It repels fleas.
  4. A thread at Thriftyfun.com recommends this along with finely ground salt. Sprinkle the salt on the floor and vacuum up in a few days. Repeat as necessary. I've been using beneficial nematodes for the yard, insect growth regulator for the carpets, and Sentinel heartworm/flea medication for the dog. Expensive, but worth it!
  5. This works like a charm when you use the nightlights. It is heat and light in combination that attract the lil buggers. We used these in our house while we were battling a bad infestation. We did have to use powders and sprays as well. But it sure is interesting watching them drowned. By the way, if you do not use a soap, the buggers can swim to the rim and get out. Best to use the soap!


Hey Everyone! Greetings from Sunny Singapore! I'm am so glad to have found this site. It is waaaayyy better than other sites I've been. I have about 240 cookbooks and my faves are the older cookbooks I got from my mom as I prefer from scratch cooking. I have created several cookbooks dedicated to the use of eggs. I have come across a number of recipes requests for using up lots of eggs. So there they are. http://www.recipezaar.com/members/home/123897/Backtattoos.jpg The above is a picture of me at my office's Annual Christmas cum costume party. I won first prize with that orange costume! The one with the (fake) Tattoos was taken in Dec 2007 when I again won first prize. I love spicy food and the many different kinds of chilli dips different foods calls for!! Love baking, cross stitching, trying my hand now in shoe beading and patchwork and now doing a course on aromatherapy. Oh and am now trying to raise a flower and herb garden but it is not easy as I am a newbie at that too! In some of my recipes, you will note that there is a letter in brackets at the beginning of the name. This is what it means : (A) : Aromatherapy/Homeopathic/Less toxic I'm not crazy about recipes using pre-mix cakes as I am a more from-scratch person. My recipes will have the local name (when applicable) as well as the anglicised name, eg "Au Nee (Sweet Yam Paste). If I had a month off, I'd be in Texas.
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