Zucchini Saute With Lemon Zest, Parmigiano-Reggiano and Almonds

"From WW website Everyday gourmets Makes 6 servings POINTS® value 1, per ½-cup serving:"
photo by Tinkerbell photo by Tinkerbell
photo by Tinkerbell
Ready In:
1/2 cup




  • Place the almonds in a dry skillet (regular or nonstick) over medium-low heat; toast, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned and aromatic, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl.
  • Hold the skillet away from the stove and spray it with nonstick spray. Return the skillet to the heat and add the shallots. Cook, stirring often, until softened, about 3 minutes.
  • Stir in the lemon zest, salt and pepper; cook until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Add the zucchini and cook, stirring constantly, just until wilted, about 2 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the toasted almonds and grated cheese, and serve at once.

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  1. Yum! I didn't shred the zucchini, just sliced them super thin. It was super quick and easy. Loved it!
  2. Besides being super easy & healthy, this recipe was super tasty! Made just as directed & the flavor was fabulous. The lemon zest really popped. The crunch of the almonds was a nice compliment to the shredded zucchini. DH wasn't crazy about it but DS & I ate it & enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing, Huskergirl! Made for Zaar Chef Alphabet tag game.


Hello, I am a married, no little ones, but great DH and 3 cats. Grew up in rural Nebraska with a family who loves to cook and eat. Trying to be healthier these days and lose some lbs. I do a lot of batch cooking (not quite OAMC). I am trying to get my sister to do it, she has 4 boys (14 to 6) very active and a husband. I love to collect recipes and cookbooks. I have decided that I am going to try to a new recipe each week. That will be 52 new things done this year. MY RATING SYSTEM: 5 stars: recipes that I or DH personally like . These will include recipes that I may have added or subtracted ingredients for personal tastes. 4 stars: recipes that I or DH thought was good & would eat if served to us, probably will not make again without changes. 3 stars: This is a dish that looks good but the flavor just is not there. More than likely will not make again 2 stars: Not our tastes at all. Not to say this recipe is not good just not for us. 1 star: I think that the we would have to end up in the hospital to give a 1 star rating, but will see how it goes. ZAAR WORLD TOUR 4 <img src="http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j166/ZaarNicksMom/mini.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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