All-Purpose Shake and Bake

"Makes about 10 cups. Store mixture in clean glass jars with tight-fitting lids. Good for chicken, pork, canned potatoes, and mashed potato puffs. You can remove the quantity of shake and bake you need for a recipe and then add some garlic powder,onion powder, thyme or any seasonings you like, for variety. Directions are given for chicken; adjust the baking time according to the thickness of the meat you are using."
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
Ready In:
10 cups




  • Mix all ingredients together.
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Moisten chicken pieces with either water, milk, tomato juice, canned broth, or beaten egg and milk mixture.
  • Place about 1 or 2 Tablespoons of crumb mix for each piece of chicken in a plastic bag.
  • Shake moistened chicken pieces individually until evenly coated. Place in single layer on a baking sheet with sides.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 45 to 55 minutes or until tender and no longer pink inside.
  • FOR CANNED POTATOES: Roll small whole canned potatoes, well drained and dried, in the shake and bake. Place on a baking sheet in a single layer.
  • Bake in a preheated 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for 25 to 30 minutes.

  • Shape mashed potatoes (prepared with a little less milk) into small balls, or use leftover mashed potatoes with a bit of flour added.
  • Dip in beaten egg and roll in shake and bake. Place potato balls in a single layer on a baking sheet with sides.
  • Bake in preheated 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for 20 to 25 minutes.

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  1. This recipe is a dream.. As usual,shake and bake in a grocery store, is outragously overpriced, and I always refused to buy it. I cut this one down to 1/5, to see if I even liked it. I also cut back on the paprika, as I have done other recipes with it, and found it to be overpowering. I also cut the salt for health reasons. More can always be added at the table.. I was eager to try the mashed potatoes, and did that with instant.. They were yummy, yummy.. I plan on trying the canned potatoes at a later date. I always have a can of them,and instant, in my pantry cupboard for emergency purposes..Thanks for posting this recipe.. Anything that subsidizes a senior fixed income, is a bonus for sure. Cat^..^atude.
  2. This made some really great (and close to) shake-n-bake chicken. Making just 1 cup of the recipe, I added 1/2 Tbsp. of garlic and onion powder (each) to the mix and used half panko/half regular Italian bread crumbs. I omitted the chicken base because we use 'Better than Bullion' paste. So what I did was add 1 Tbsp of the chicken paste to 1 cup of warm milk and let the leg quarters soak in the brine for about an hour. Thanks for a keeper recipe, can't wait to try it on some pork chops! :)


<p>My favorite thing to do is to spend time with family and friends,&nbsp;especially my two grandsons. Cooking, collecting recipe books and tried and true recipes from family and friends, and all the wonderful cooks here at, is what I enjoy too.</p> <p>My favorite sayings are: &nbsp;Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift; that is why it is called the 'present'. <img title=Smile src=/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif border=0 alt=Smile />&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live for today. <img title=Smile src=/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif border=0 alt=Smile />&nbsp;</p> <p>My favorite poem is: <br /><span>Common Things <br /></span>The things I prize of greatest worth, <br />Are just the common things of earth; <br />the rain, the sun, the grass, the trees; <br />The flowers, the birds, the glorious breeze; <br />Clouds that pass, and stars that shine, <br />Mountains, valleys, all are mine; <br />Rivers broad, and open sea <br />Are riches none can take from me. <br />Our God is here on every hand, <br />Upon the sea, upon the land! <br />And day by day my thanks I give <br />That with these common things I live. <br />....Praying Hands</p> <p>My pet peeve is people who spit gum on the sidewalk even if there is a trash bin a few feet away!! I have stepped in 'fresh' gum a couple of times!!&nbsp;</p> <p><img src= alt=/ /> <br /><br /><img src= alt=/ /></p>
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