Viva Puff Squares

"You know those raspberry filled, thinly chocolate coated Viva Puff cookies you can buy? This tastes almost the same, but I haven't figured out how to add that thin layer of chocolate and still be able to cut the squares afterwards without making a mess. I'd love your ideas! (Prep time does not include chill time)"
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  • Crust: Mix flour, butter and sugar until crumbly.
  • Press into ungreased 9x9 inch pan and bake at 325F for 15 minutes.
  • Filling: Stir gelatin and water together until dissolved.
  • Add raspberries and mix.
  • Chill until syrupy. Pour over crumbs and return to refrigerator.
  • Melt marshmallows in milk in top of double boiler. Cool.
  • Whip cream until stiff. Fold into cooled marshmallow mixture.
  • Spread over firm raspberry jelly and chill until set.

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  1. Try this method; when the bars are chilled, turn them out of the pan, cut to desired shape -diamonds or squares or what ever, arrange them on a wire rack and pour your chocolate over the individual pieces. Then chill. I usually line the buttered pan with waxed paper or parchment cut long enough to hang over the pan on opposite ends. Butter or grease the paper and proceed as usual. When it time to take the bars out of your pan just lift by the paper. Foil works also. Hope these ideas will help. Let me know how it works out for you !


<p>I live in beautiful western Manitoba, Canada. I'm a wife and stay-at-home mom with 2 daughters, Peanut (who turned 7 at the end of January) and Fidget (who will turn 5 in the middle of June) and a husband whom I call The Bushman, who's motto, lucky for me, is I'll try anything once! I'm a Mennonite by heritage as well as faith. I'm a born again Christian and we belong to a small Evangelical Mennonite country church where The Bushman and I are fairly involved. The church is made up largely of family groups -- most are related somehow. That's actually a Mennonite pastime, finding out how everyone's related to each other. If we're not directly related, we'll find a connection somehow -- your third cousin's wife's brother is for SURE my mother's father's sister-in-law's nephew!! See, isn't it amazing how small this world really is?! For fun, I enjoy photography -- my favourite subjects are sunsets, cloud formations, my girls, and nature close-ups -- reading, (John Grisham, Frederick Forsythe, Robert Ludlum, and Clive Cussler are my favourite authors), playing piano, and going for nice long walks, either first thing in the morning or towards sunset. I've even learned to enjoy it in the dead of winter, when I have no choice but to walk in semi-darkness. For those of you who've never experienced a Manitoba winter (lucky you!), 'the dead of winter' includes pretty much all of December, January, and February!! And up here, our shortest days of the year have only 7 hours of daylight, so if it's cloudy, well, it feels like no daylight at all! It's my favourite time to plan my day, pray, and daydream about what might happen if I'd ever actually buy a lottery ticket and win!! I love cooking -- baking not so much (mostly because it's not essential to survival and if there's baking in the house, that's all we eat!!) -- and reading recipe books is a favourite pastime of mine. I love the Company's Coming series of cookbooks, but my favourite is Taste of Home magazine. Since buying a premium membership here though, I've decided to let my subscription run out. I'll miss it, but I've decided there's really no need for it, since all the best recipes in the world eventually end up here!!</p>
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