Tuscan Bread Salad

"This is a great salad that's easy to prepare, and it's a great way to use up any day old bread you might have leftover. Please don't be restricted to the dressing listed here. Feel free to toss salad with any Italian, or oil and vinegar based dressing of your choice. A balsamic vinaigrette works great with this too."
photo by flower7 photo by flower7
photo by flower7
Ready In:




  • Toast bread slices under broiler for about 4 minutes on each side.
  • Remove slices and rub with garlic cloves.
  • Prepare dressing by whisking ingredients together in a small bowl, and seasoning with salt and pepper.
  • Cut bread slices into small cubes and add them to a serving bowl.
  • Next add the tomatoes, beans, roasted pepper and basil.
  • Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat.
  • Let salad rest about 5-10 minutes before serving.

Questions & Replies

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  1. OK, I used borlotti beans, didn't roast the pepper and used Bavarian mustard instead of Dijon. This recipe can take adaptations without losing anything and is very versatile. A perfect salad for those who can't stand salad greens. Tastes great.
  2. AN OUTSTANDING SALAD! I used a heavy winter wheat bread then followed the recipe the rest of the way, & the salad was something I'll definitely be making again & again! Thanks for the post! [Tagged, made & reviewed as an extra recipe for one of my teammates in the Aus/NZ Special Recipe Swap #19]
  3. This was so FANTASTIC! Once we finished it DH and I both said, "We should've made more!" I added some minced onions and one clove garlic chopped to the dressing. I also just used plain wheat toast to make it a little healthier and it still turned out perfect. THANKS! Made for veg*n swap.
  4. Very Good! Made this to go with supper tonight and it was delicious. I used cheese and garlic croutons and chicken broth as that is what I had on hand and we both like it alot. The only thing that I would do different is not to mix the bread in with the dressing and veggies. I will just mix everything except the bread and put it on top of the bread when serving it. I will definitely make this again, thanks for sharing.
  5. made this for my dinner tonite. fast; tasty and easy. i loved the idea of rubbing the garlic on the toasted bread; gave it just the right amount of flavor! i had to make a few subs b/c of what i had on hand...i had to use just olive oil, salt, pepper, a bit of sugar and red wine vinegar for the dressing. i will be making this again with the specified dressing though. the green peppers should not be left out as the roasted flavor really adds depth to the salad. great recipe!


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