Toddler Super Porridge Cereal (Optional Gfcf Version)

"If your infant ate super porridge, this would be the updated toddler version! Use any kind of grain and bean that you want, this recipe uses brown rice and lentils. You could use millet and pinto, barley and peas, or any other combination you can think of. Cook the porridge 10 minutes extra if using soybeans. In this recipe, I use sweet potatoes and carrots, but any vegetable high in vitamin A would be fine. These include sweet potato, carrot, and pumpkin among others. In the infant version, the kale would be cooked. Keep it raw for your toddler. Make sure the cinnamon you use is REAL ceylon cinnamon. To boil eggs: place whole raw eggs in a pot and cover in cold water. Feel free to switch around ingredients so that you can make it nutritionally sound for YOUR toddler. Mine is on the GFCF diet, so I stick with exactly what's in this recipe. Also, feel free to omit the eggs if your child is allergic. Add extra stuff if your child likes it (sprouts, avocado), but be aware it will change the volume of the cereal and affect how much you come out with."
photo by a user photo by a user
Ready In:
14 cups




  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees, poke holes in your potatoes, and bake your vegetables for 1 hour.
  • Hard-boil your eggs if you haven't already.
  • After hard-boiling eggs, pour cold water in the pot they are in and leave them there to cool off.
  • Grind up the flax and sesame seeds for 2 minutes in your processor and set aside to use later.
  • Grind up the beans and grains for two minutes. Pour in two cups water and blend again to mix together.
  • Pour this mixture into a pot, then add another two cups of water into the blender to get the rest of the powder out--pour this in the pot too.
  • Start the stove on medium, bringing the mixture to a boil, then put it on low to simmer---stir this occasionally while doing the rest of the recipe. It should cook at least 10 minutes, but longer won't hurt it.
  • De-stem the kale and wash it thoroughly: de-shell the eggs: drain the pineapples and reserve the liquid.
  • Add kale, eggs, seed powder, and pineapple to the blender and process until smooth. Add pineapple juice if it won't come together without extra liquid.
  • Pour the whole thing into the pot with the cereal (it should have been 10 minutes by now--if not, wait until it has been). Mix thoroughly.
  • By this time, the vegetables in the oven should be cooked. Take them out of the oven and cut them roughly (while they're still piping hot).
  • As soon as you can handle the veggies, put them into the blender (skin and all!) and puree. Pour this into the cereal mixture.
  • Make sure everything is mixed together well in the pot and heated thoroughly (since many ingredients are raw, a bit of cooking is ok).
  • Save half for next week and half for this week. It can be frozen for 3 months, and kept in the fridge for a week.

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I'm a housewife and mother of a 2 year old baby. I love cooking and making my own foods at home!
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