Tarragon Chicken All-In-One Meal

"This is a Sunday favourite - very tasty and easy, just put the whole meal into the oven and wait. Use whatever pieces of chicken you have available - bone on is good, I typically use legs. The recipe is my modification of a typical English Sunday roast."
photo by PanNan photo by PanNan
photo by PanNan
photo by PanNan photo by PanNan
photo by kymgerberich photo by kymgerberich
photo by kymgerberich photo by kymgerberich
Ready In:




  • Chop the tarragon finely and divide in half - use half for the potatoes, half for the chicken.
  • Cut the potatoes in wedges and mix with half of the tarragon, pour over the butter and season with salt and pepper. Make sure the potatoes are coated evenly.
  • In a separate dish, mix the pieces of chicken with the rest of the tarragon, and season with salt, pepper, soy sauce and paprika.
  • Put potatoes and the chicken skin down to an ovenproof dish and but into oven 230 C for 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, turn the chicken around so that the skin is upwards and turn the potatoes around a bit so they don't burn. Put back into the oven for another 20 minutes.
  • After another 20 minutes, make sure that the chicken is properly cooked. Cooking time will vary slightly according to the size of the chicken pieces.

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  1. I can't believe this hasn't been made and reviewed since 2006. Such tasty chicken with a blend of flavors that can't be beat. We loved this and I look forward to making it again! Yummy!
  2. We loved this recipe. The flavor was so much more than expected from such simple ingredients and preparation. It's going right into my favorite chicken recipes cookbook. Thanks for sharing this winner.
  3. Loved this recipe. So much flavor. Will be making this again and again.
  4. So completely wonderful!!! The chicken is really tasty but the potatoes make it shine!! Between the butter and the schmaltz from the chicken, they were delicious!! I want to make this again and again!!


After living in England for seven years, we moved to Vancouver Canada end of 2004. Culinaristically the journey couldn't have been much longer - I've discovered the joy of cooking and baking all over here. Recipezaar is giving a brand new way of doing this - and makes husband happy too.
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