Super Sushi Nori Rolls

"Sushi is easier to make than you think! And you don't have to use fresh fish either. It's a great lunch to take to work or an attractive-looking party snack."
photo by Perfect Pixie photo by Perfect Pixie
photo by Perfect Pixie
photo by Veronica W. photo by Veronica W.
photo by Veronica W. photo by Veronica W.
photo by Veronica W. photo by Veronica W.
photo by Veronica W. photo by Veronica W.
Ready In:




  • Empty rice into a bowl and run water through it until the water runs clear off the rice.
  • Then cover rice in water and boil, adding water continuously until it's all absorbed and you have a sticky rice.
  • If you have a bit too much water at the end, when the rice is cooked, just set it in a strainer for a few minutes to drain.
  • Now, leave the rice for up to an hour beforehand so it can cool properly.
  • You can speed this up a bit by putting it in the fridge to cool.
  • When the rice is cool, lay out a tea towel and a nori sheet on top.
  • Spread rice thinly over the sheet (a knife dipped in hot water makes this easier), leaving about an inch clear at the bottom and a slightly smaller border around the rest.
  • The trick is to not use too much rice, leaving room for it to expand when rolled.
  • Choose your fillings (one or two for each roll) and lay out in a thin line across the sheet, about 1/3 of the way from the top.
  • Then start rolling from the top.
  • The tea towel will help you get it started.
  • When it is rolled (the bottom inch of the nori will stick to itself, holding the roll together) take a sharp knife and slice 1 inch rounds.
  • Dip in soy sauce and wasabi, topped with ginger slices and enjoy!

Questions & Replies

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  1. I love Shushi and made these with a shrimp and piece of avacado inside.. I also made a thin omelet sushi with asparagus and a bit of corned beefhash init. Served both as appetizers to a goup that loved them. Served of course with wasabi & home pickled ginger. Your instructions are very clear and easy to follow even if it were a first time for someone making Sushi. Thanks Friedel
  2. I love sushi and this recipe, I only wish I'd read your tip about the teatowel before I went miles out my way to get a proper bamboo rolling mat! Never mind at least I've got it now! I made two types with the rice, one with smoked salmon and long thin slices of cucumber and one with fresh tuna strips and avocado. A wet knife is a must for cutting the rolls! Also don't omit the wasabi, soy and pickled ginger.....I could eat this everyday! For cooling the rice, I always spread it out on a tray and leave by an open window while I cut the other ingredients into strips, this allows it to cool quite quickly. Great recipe, thanks for posting!
  3. This was a very simple recipe. we enjoyed this very much. i used just salmon and followed the instructions to a T. this was my first time making sushi and i will definitly use this reciep again but with variations. thanks for posting. MIss PIxie xx x :D
  4. Hello Sackville; I made this super recipe yesterday. I have never made anykind of Sushi before. Your instructions were so explicit. The Nori Rolls turned out so good and looked so professional. My DW told me to open a Sushi Shop, they tasted and looked so good. I also made some Sushi with fresh Ahi Ahi Tuna and also some fresh Sockeye Salmon, oh so good. The rice was absolutely perfect. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us. I am going to make more today. "Uncle Bill"
  5. I love the idea of using a tea towel! It is traditional to use a bamboo mat, but the tea towel is something every cook already has. Bamboo mats for rolling are cheap, but if you don't make sushi often, who wants another thing in the kitchen, right? Also, cucumbers are my favorite maki roll. I also like carrots. I realize you cannot mention every veggie in a recipe, but new sushi cooks shouldn't overlook those for basic, but yummy sushi...thanks for sharing!


This is a picture of me and my husband in Portugal, climbing up above the clouds with our bikes. Right now we are travelling around the world on our bicycles, so I only pop onto Zaar occasionally, when internet connections and time allow me to. If I don't reply to a message about one of my recipes, now you know why! Our trip may take several years so if it's urgent, it's probably better for you to post in the forums ;) Good food is really important to me -- I am happy to pay extra for food that I feel is produced in a sustainable and ethical way and always try to eat using seasonal produce. When we were in the UK we rarely shopped at supermarkets, trying instead to favour small producers, although we were very lucky in that we lived in London and there was lots of choice. We also were fortunate enough to have a weekly organic veg box delivered to our door, filled with so many lovely vegetables for very little money. It really opened my horizons in terms of the variety of vegetables I eat. If you're in the UK, check out Riverford for a box supplier as they're amazing! When I'm not eating I love to take pictures and travel with my husband. <img src="">
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