Simple Yeast Bread / Dough

"A versatile yeast dough recipe that you can use for making loaf bread, pizza, dinner rolls, hot dog wrappers..anything you can think of using bread."
photo by Asooma photo by Asooma
photo by Asooma
photo by Anonymous photo by Anonymous
Ready In:
2hrs 15mins
2 loaves




  • Combine 1/2 cup warm water with 2 tablespoons of yeast and in a large mixing bowl and set aside for about 5 minutes.
  • Combine the 1 1/4 cups warm water with the butter or oil and add to the yeast mixture after it has expanded.
  • Combine the salt and flour and add 2 cups of flour to the yeast / water mixture and mix well.
  • Continue adding flour until a soft dough forms and begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Turn the soft dough out onto a well floured surface and knead in remaining flour, continuing to knead for about 10 minute until the dough is very soft and pliable.
  • Place the dough into a well-greased pan, turning once to coat and allow to rise for about 1 1/2 hours. Dough is ready when doubled in size and indentation remains when pressing a finger into the center.
  • Press to deflate and shape the dough as you desire. You can use it to make mini pizzas, hot dog wraps, 2 regular sized pizzas, 2 loafs of bread or cinnamon bread.
  • After shaping the dough, allow to rise again for 10-15 minutes before baking. Bake in a very hot oven (450-500 F) for 12-15 minutes. Check for desired golden color / doneness. Ovens vary in cooking time, so check the dough at about 10 minute and then adjust the cooking time / temperature according to your oven.

Questions & Replies

  1. When you say to combine the salt and flour then add 2 cups of flour to the yeast mixture, is the salt going with 2 cups of flour then an additional 2 cups is going the mixture? Then the last 1/2 cup must be used when kneading? Also on the ingredients section, it says to have 1/2 cup of water, and yes that is in the first step, but why isn't the extra 1 1/4 added to the ingredients section? I wish it was a bit more explicit.
  2. How long do you let it rise to make bread
  3. Are the directions for a convection oven the same?
  4. I followed this recipe exact using fresh yeast etc. after baking for 15 in preheated oven, the bread was still doughy inside. I baked it for another 10 minutes and still doughy but then burnt on the outside. What could I have done wrong?
  5. Can I submit a picture of my dough as is? Maybe that would help diagnos the problem and or fixing of.if possible. Or May I can still use it for something anyway.


  1. A wonderful recipe! I'm new to bread-making, so I didnt experiment with any added ingredients, but as-is these make some very nice dinner rolls! I do have two things to point out: 1. It took a while longer than the recipe said to rise, but I doubt that's your fault- it's winter right now, so it's to be expected! I turned the oven on for a few minutes, shut it off, and placed my bowl of dough in there to rise. Worked pretty well! 2. It needed much more flour than the recipe called for. It calls for around 4 cups, and I had to use at least 5. Could be temperature or humidity differences or something, but I think it's good for people to keep that in mind!
  2. Very easy good recipe
  3. I'm a beginner baker of bread. I have always wanted to bake my own but have been completely intimidated by it. But after running out of bread for my kids lunches, they decided not to tell me, and not wanting to venture back out in the dark and cold, I decided tonight is the night. I was a bit confused about the amount of flour then figured it out. I was pleasantly surprised how easy this was, it is on its second rise now I will update once baked!
  4. I added kalamata olives and shaved parmesan with a touch of garlic powder. It turned out awesome! Thanks for the easiest bread recipe ever!


  1. I halved the recipe. For the most part. Thank you for this recipe.
    • Review photo by Anonymous



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