Sesame Soy Dipping Sauce/Marinade

"I found this on the internet while looking for dipping sauces to use for a fondue party. YUMMY! Tasted great with shrimp, chicken, etc. We found that we like soaking the shrimp for awhile in the sauce after cooking it so I think that I will also try this as a marinade sometime soon."
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Ready In:
1 cup




  • Wisk all ingredients together and serve.

Questions & Replies

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  1. How can something so simple make chicken taste so amazing? I used tamari sauce instead of the soy, and grated the ginger on my Microplane while it was still frozen. I used it as a marinade, but I think I want to try marinading a whole chicken in an oven bag and just roasting it all together. I can just envision the smell as it roasts! Thanks for such a simple way to impress everyone!


<p>Hello! <br /> <br />I'm a Montana native that has made my way back after a few moves. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have twin boys who are 18 years old and Freshman in College.&nbsp;&nbsp; I wasn't ready for this empty nest stuff and just want my boys back home!&nbsp; I'm doing my best to adjust.&nbsp; I have continued cooking and am learning how to scale recipes back for just the 2 of us. My husband and I are partners in our own company and own 13 Subway sandwich shops. I work from our home handling all the financial and clerical duties of the business. <br /> <br />Over the years and especially since finding Zaar, cooking has become my passion. My grandmothers were very good cooks and I have fond memories of the meals they prepared. We love entertaining and nothing pleases me more than having my family and others enjoy the food I make. I love it when the house smells good with dinner or whatever is baking. I came upon recipezaar searching for a rhubarb cake recipe one day. The recipe I chose was a 5 star and my addiction began. It took a few months before I started really utilizing the site but once I did my cooking has never been the same. My family now knows all about having to rate recipes, picking their favorite chefs, etc. It's become a family thing and they have told me that I may never let my membership to Recipezaar ever end. <br /> <br />We love to travel and try to go whenever we can. Owning our own business has helped free up time where we can travel more. We've done some Europe, Canada, and much of the U.S. In the coming years I hope to do a lot more. Eating out when we are traveling is the best. I'm trying to learn more about the restaurants and chefs in places we are visiting so we can try and visit those restaurants and enjoy some of the great places our town just doesn't have. <br /> <br />The whole family loves to ski and we look forward to the season every year - it makes winter tolerable. Renting movies or just hanging out with friends is the making of a relaxing weekend for us.</p>
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