Rote Rubensalat (Red-Beet Salad)

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  • Wash beets, trim off greens, place in medium saucepan, and cook, without peeling, in salted water to cover, until beets are tender.
  • Peel and slice.
  • Prepare marinade dressing by combining remaining ingredients.
  • Pour over beets and let stand for several hours before serving.
  • Stir beets occasionally.

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  1. I grew up in Austria and was raised with this salad accompaning many dishes.<br/>This recipe is OK, but I would reduce the caraway seeds to 1/2 Tbs and just 1 Tbs of oil, use brown sugar and julienne cut red onions. The cloves can be omitted as well.<br/>If possible use fresh home grown beeds.<br/>The goal is to preserve and enhance the original delicate sweet flavor of the beeds and not overpower or cover it up.
  2. This turned out very nicely for our German Christmas party, although the beets took FOREVER to cook (I think it ended up being 3.5 hrs or something). I marinated it for about 6 hours and the flavour was very good.
  3. After initially mixing all the ingredients and tasting I was a bit sceptical. However, after several hours in the fridge everything really pulled together quite nicely. I used olive oil instead of vegetable and omitted half the caraway as for my personal preference. Guten appetit!
  4. this was really good! i cheated and used 2 cans of sliced beets, and i omitted the caraway seeds, but the dressing is light and very tasty


  1. After initially mixing all the ingredients and tasting I was a bit sceptical. However, after several hours in the fridge everything really pulled together quite nicely. I used olive oil instead of vegetable and omitted half the caraway as for my personal preference. Guten appetit!


Very busy nanny/au pair, working for a very rich and snooty family, in a very large home, in a very snooty village. Just in case my employer comes here, please don't ask where I am from, or I'll be sacked like the last nanny was. ;-) I take care of 4 gorgeous, and darling kids. 3 girls and a boy. The boy is the youngest (and my favorite). They are great children, very, very active. (Hyper) I love to cook. I guess that's a given, why else would I be here. Part of my job is also to prepare meals for the family. The more they like my food, the longer I get to stay. (just a little joke) On my day off, I usually go out to the cinema or some dance clubs with the other au pairs in this town. That's about it I think.
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