Community Pick
Red Chili Sauce (To Be Used With Traditional Tamales)

photo by Jonathan Melendez

- Ready In:
- 1hr 5mins
- Ingredients:
- 6
- Yields:
4 cups
- 15 large dried chilies (such as Anaheim, New Mexico, California, or pasilla)
- 4 -5 garlic cloves
- 2 teaspoons ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons olive oil or 2 teaspoons melted shortening
- Remove stems and seeds from dried chili peppers.
- Place peppers in a single layer on a baking sheet.
- Roast in 350°F oven for 2 to 5 minutes or until you smell a sweet roasted aroma, checking often to avoid burning.
- Remove from oven and soak in enough hot water to cover for about 30 minutes or until cool.
- Put peppers and 2 1/2 cups of the soaking water into a blender (save the remaining soaking water).
- Add garlic, cumin and salt.
- Cover and blend until smooth.
- In a 2-quart sauce pan, stir flour into oil or melted shortening over med heat until browned.
- Carefully stir in blended chili mixture.
- Simmer uncovered for 5 to 10 minutes or until slightly thickened. (If sauce gets too thick, stir in up to 1 cup of the remaining soaking water until you reach the desired thickness) Use this sauce for traditional tamales, recipe #15286.
- Note: When working with chilies, use rubber gloves to protect your skin, and avoid contact with your eyes. Wash hands throughly with soap and water to remove all of the chili oils.
Questions & Replies

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From someone with a Mexican Mother from Mexico this is very authentic. There are only a few minor differences. My Mother doesn’t use flour to thicken the sauce and usually uses the chicken stock from whatever meat she is cooking to add more flavor. If boiling the chilies instead of soaking NEVER uses the same water it makes the sauce bitter, always use fresh water. I sometime add a pinch of oregano as well. Thank you for sharing the authentic way of making this sauce that usually is the base of a lot of other Mexican dishes.
Amazing! This is an excellent tamale sauce! Some family members were skeptical, since there wasn't very many ingredients in it ("No tomatoes? I bet that's not very good." -My Mom), but I believed in the recipe (ha!). <br/><br/>I followed the recipe exactly and it turned out great! I used dried guajillo chilis I found at the store and they were perfect. I cut off the stem, then sliced them open on one side so that I could get the seeds out. This worked well and was very fast. I would recommend straining the sauce before thickening it- there are lots of little pieces of chili skins that don't get blended completely. <br/><br/>Will definitely make this sauce again! Thanks!
This is my go-to sauce for tamales it's, I do not add the flour as a thickening agent. I usually simmer the sauce for about a half an hour and let it reduce a little, then add the shredded chicken or whatever meat I'm using and let it simmer for another 15 minutes. I make the sauce and meat mixture in a day before actually putting the tamales together and steaming. Here are some of my pics!
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From someone with a Mexican Mother from Mexico this is very authentic. There are only a few minor differences. My Mother doesnt use flour to thicken the sauce and usually uses the chicken stock from whatever meat she is cooking to add more flavor. If boiling the chilies instead of soaking NEVER uses the same water it makes the sauce bitter, always use fresh water. I sometime add a pinch of oregano as well. Thank you for sharing the authentic way of making this sauce that usually is the base of a lot of other Mexican dishes.
<p>Click here to get to chat: The picture above is of me, but is not a very recent one. It was taken during a very sweet time of my life many years ago. The face is mostly the same, but atlas....everything has aged by about 20 years. I am a little heavier, my hair is not permed anymore and is straight with a slight wave to it, almost to my waist with a touch of grey at my temples. I like the picture because it reflects me and my love of the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains near Wellington Lake. I am grandma to Xavier Pryce (aka Zavy) who is 7, his little brother, Rylan James, who is 6 and Baby Wyatt who will be 3 in December. They and their momma are the light of my heart. I enjoy hosting a chat room called #Recipezaar on, named after the old site. Many people don't know this, but I was Recipezaar's first paid employee when was Recipezaar and Gay and Troy owned it. I am finding it difficult to spend as much time here as I used to. I am retired now and spend my days watch my grandsons while their momma works. Trying to spend time on the computer with 3 rowdy, hyper little boys in the house can be frustrating and sometimes even impossible unless their momma is home to keep an eye on things while grandma indulges herself on the computer.I wish I was as witty a writer as some of the others here on, but I am afraid that all of my creativity and talent goes into my cooking, but I will give this my best shot anyway. I am a single mother to one 25 year old daughter (Alicia) and grandma to Xavier Pryce, Rylan James and Wyatt William. They all still live with me, so I am pretty much the boy's other parent. Cooking is never a chore for me. I collect cookbooks and am an avid reader of anything but have a particular love of horror novels. Stephen King and Dean Koontz are my favorite authors. Although I have degree in office management and graduated with a 3.8 GPA, I must be Food's worst spelling member so please excuse me if you notice it in my posts and if you notice it in my recipes, then my thanks in advance for editing the recipe to be spelled correctly if you have done so. My screen name is pretty simple and easy to remember, but sometimes people do ask me why it says Karen from Colorado instead of Karen from California. It used to be Karen IN Colorado until I moved here to Southern California to be near my sister, Morti, after our parent's deaths in 1996 and 97 and the loss of my job in Colorado in 2002. I tried Karen In California after moving, but it just didn't seem like me so I changed it to Karen FROM Colorado which will always be home to me no matter where my address is at the time. I was born there and will always love that bright and beautiful state. Especially my beloved Rocky Mountains where I spent so much of my time while living there all of my life. If you find yourself using one of my recipes as your dinner tonight, please feel free to change it to suit your own tastes. I will not mind in the least. It is what I would do if the recipe were posted by you. Your ideas might be much better then mine and just might make the recipe even better then I thought it was when I posted it. Please do mention the changes and results in your review even if the change didn't work out like you thought it might. I truly do welcome the feedback and promise not to jump all over you if you make this your practice. All I ask is that you not re-submit my recipe as yours with those changes unless they are major changes. Mind if I ask for an inspired by recipe whatever by Karen From Colorado if you do find yourself changing a recipe so much that it becomes a different dish? I have no secrets, so if there is anything else you wish to know about me, then never feel afraid to ask me. I will let you know if your question is too personal. Most likely the only thing I will not give out to most people is my address, phone number and my last name. My thoughts on controversial threads as a forum host: Often (very often), I would wish to post my thoughts and disgust about certain topics just as many others do in these forums. I, too, have an opinion most times and would love to blast certain people with them despite the fact that my opinion is just one more in a vast sea of opinions. However; I have learned long ago that my opinion really is just one more opinion and no one really gives a &%$@ what I think about certain topics, so why put myself out there for others to ridicule me for them. There is ALWAYS someone who will. There will ALWAYS be someone that will move heaven and earth to make you see things their way. I am perfectly happy with seeing things my way and it really doesn't matter to me if others don't view things the way I do. Opinions are not facts. They are opinions only and I don't consider them to be a learning tool. They should not be used as one. If anyone wishes to teach me something, then I hope they will do so with good, solid facts. Not with an opinion. As a forum host, I personally, feel a duty to set an example. I will not be baited into arguments on the forums. I consider it smarter then getting down and rolling in the mud with someone who just likes the excitement of controversial threads in order to entertain others. I will not respond to posts directed towards me with the intentions of dragging me down with them to the bowels of hate and discontent. People that wish to do so can take their best shot at me, but I will not be engaged. In my opinion (told you I had one), that makes me smarter. I will not be the one signing the TOS again. My thoughts on recipe reviews: Please be honest in your reviews. Even a low, but well written, well thought out review can be helpful to other cooks. I have experienced that made a recipe with 50 5 star reviews and hated it thing and wondered why everyone thought it was so delicious. I always think twice about reviewing recipes like that, but I make myself do it because it is what I want others to do. I hate the idea of bringing someones reviews down even a little bit with my less then loved it review, but if we don't, the review system is useless. I don't watch my statistics so much, but I know others do. I still love getting reviews on my recipes. Some make me laugh, some make me sigh and some make my day, but I never let one ruin my day because as nice as it is to read someone's thoughts on one of my recipes (especially one I created myself), it is just not THAT important in the grand scheme of things. The only reviews that really tick me off are retaliatory reviews. Someone's feelings got hurt so they decide to hit back. That is just childish and stupid. I have never had one, but I have read some left for other people. This kind of behavior in grown adults is disgusting. I also dislike reviews that say something like this recipe is not right because it is not made like my mom used to make it. So what! There are hundreds of recipes for spaghetti sauce posted here on Recipezaar. Each and every one of them is sauce recipe for spaghetti. They each have a set of ingredients and instructions for preparing them. That makes them all recipes, with nothing not right about them. I find reviews that say the recipe sounds good or something like that useless. I know that no one is required to make a recipe in order to review it, and I would hate for anyone to lie about making it only so they can leave a comment, but honestly....what good is that kind of statement going to do anyone? I will mark that review as unhelpful and hopefully help send it to the end of a long line of helpful reviews. Reviews that say something along the lines of sorry, but this was just a big mess. We ended up feeding this dinner to the disposal. is also useless. Why didn't it work for you? Was one flavor over powering the rest of the dish? Was it too dry? Too watery? Too bland? Do you have any suggestions for other people that might want to try this recipe? Was the fact that you tossed it into the disposal really necessary to your review? This kind of review is also acceptable on Food, but nothing in that review is helpful to anyone at all. It will also get an unhelpful from me, helping to send it to the back of the list of helpful reviews. Any review that leaves only stars, whether they be 5 stars or 1 star is useless to me. Why did you love it or hate it? Those will get an unhelpful vote. Any 5 star review that doesn't express why this recipe was so great will also get an unhelpful vote. My DH came back for thirds! doesn't tell me anything more then he must have been really hungry that night. Was the recipe easy to prepare? Was it well written? Did all the flavors meld together perfectly? Did you have to substitute any ingredients for taste, diet, or because you can't get an ingredient? Did your changes work? Did you make it just as it was written? Tell us why it was so great. As recipes posters, please never feel the need to thank me for reviewing one of your recipes. My review is in thanks to you for sharing your recipe. You gave me the chance to try something new and for that, that I am grateful. Thank you for posting it so that I may experience something new whether in cooking it or in tasting it. You did me the favor by posting the recipe so that I could make it. I have prepared and enjoyed foods that I would never have tried before if people like you had not shared your recipe. You deserve the thanks. Not me for eating it. If I gave you a cup of coffee, you would most likely say thank you. If I said thank you for the thank you, it kind of throws off the whole exchange. I appreciate your for taking the time to view and read my profile. Your taking that time shows an interest in my ideas and in me as a person and I take that as the greatest compliment possible on ****************************************************** I didn't have potatoes, so I substituted rice. I didn't have paprika, so I used another spice. I didn't have tomato sauce, I used tomato paste; A whole can, not a half can - I don't believe in waste. A friend gave me the recipe; she said you couldn't beat it. There must be something wrong with her, I couldn't even eat it!</p>