Outback Rice

"hey hey the ex prep guy kickin out a few more of my ungaurded secrets. today is rice. its a mess and it takes time but well worth it. let me know how you feel about this and my other recipes here on the site. questions just ask i like to help and love to cook"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
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  • i will teach you short cuts that will save you time but like all short cuts they take away from safty so if you are not experienced with cutlery then do not do this cheat and use a hand chopper just dont over due it. take you one red bell pepper and cut in to slices take to sharp butcher knives by the handle in one hand and place your other on top the blades you will roll like a rocker over the slices makeing a fine dice. repeat this trick with all you veggies except with the garlic. use a hand slicer or a cheese gradder. to get a fine mince. like a mush.
  • place the veggies in a saute pan with the butter. sautte till the oninos are clear and mushy.set a side for now.
  • in a stock pot place water, chicken base, and rice add veggies and i like to add a blend of seasons that equal 1/4 cup it consist of a dash of oregano, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, baisel, tyme, salt , and pepper. make to what mix yuou like. if you dont know these spices give them a smell you can learn a lot by there smell. remember to stir this so it dosent burn remove from heat when it loses its liquidy consistancy. place on heat at medium and cover with foil this gives the act of baking without taking up needed cooking space. when cooking two soups and 40 pounds of rice one has to take a few short cuts.

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  1. This is practically unintelligible. Beneath a website of this caliber.
  2. hey thats not right I work at outback to you have to bake the rice



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