My Mom's Wilted Lettuce

"This was my ma's recipe passed on to me--don't know any other way to make it and I'm 58 years old. This is really an old-fashioned dish."
photo by LucyS-D photo by LucyS-D
photo by LucyS-D
Ready In:




  • Wash the lettuce several times; drain.
  • Clean and cut the onions into the lettuce.
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Dressing: Heat dressing ingredients to boiling; pour over lettuce while boiling hot.
  • Stir and mix well.
  • Serve immediately.

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  1. I luv this. Our recipe is a little different. It's a meal within itself, almost. We cook bacon until crisp. Boil a potato and cut up. Add asparagus (canned) and chopped boiled egg. mix all together and add the heated bacon/vinegar dressing.
  2. We make ours a little differently here in the Ozarks - we scramble a couple of eggs and mix in with the greens before adding the dressing. We also don't use the sugar. My mom always makes this when she makes fresh deep-fried white or black bass. She serves with pan-fried potatoes and cornbread! It's a traditional family meal. Thanks for posting!
  3. Yep, this is the ole' fashion recipe ladies. Real close but not completely correct. My mom only used 'Black Seeded Simpson' lettuce from our garden.
  4. This is the type of wilted lettuce I grew up on. Perfect recipe. Thank you for submitting.
  5. This is so good. Just like my Mom makes. I added diced cooked bacon to mine.


  1. I loved when my mom made this stuff... I have made it several times but tried to switch some things a little, I didn't use as much viniger and added more buttermilk, I also added boiled eggs and cottage cheese....omg I can't make it any different now because those 2 ingredients topped it off! I hope maybe you all might try and like it because I sure did


I would like to let you all know that I am no longer able to review your recipes that I have tried. since they changed the site around webtv does not supprt zaars new site.I have a webtv not a computer and webtv does not support the new recipezaar site. so I will no longer be able to review your great recipes,nor will I be able to put my own recipes on here.Please don't think I wouldn't like to review your recipes,it was one of the nice parts of zaar that I did enjoy doing. So please forgive!!! I am Married to the same guy for 40 years,I Have 2 beautiful Daughters, who have given me 6 grand and glorious grandchildren. I love to cook,in fact you could call it my favorite hobby My pet peeve is telemarketers,Every time I get busy with my recipe hobby one of them will call and knock me off the web,and of coarse I waste precious time getting back on.I am disabled,so I no longer work,and have plenty of time to pursue my hobby. My best dish I make is Lasagna but thats just because I love lasagna.I am also asked to bring No-Bake cookies at all of our potlucks, and linger-longers at church.Meat loaf is another often requested dish I am asked to bring...... NOT MY meatloaf but .... My husbands. He is as good a cook as I am,He can cook anything I can cook, and I can cook anything he can cook,but some things I make better,and some He makes better...So we do a lot of compromising at our house.
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