KFC Coleslaw by Real Employee

"I worked for KFC for 3 years and coleslaw making was a near daily occurrence. This is the real recipe scaled down to table size. I see lot of recipes claiming to be the real thing but none are. This is the real thing. The sugar amount is not a typo. ***I updated the recipe because I left out the onion"
photo by lazyme photo by lazyme
photo by lazyme
photo by danakscully64 photo by danakscully64
photo by danakscully64 photo by danakscully64
photo by raygutnick photo by raygutnick
photo by Kat's Mom photo by Kat's Mom
Ready In:
4 cups




  • Mix all ingredients except cabbage mix/onion.
  • Pour over cabbage mix.
  • Mix well and refrigerate.
  • Stir a few times before serving.
  • Slaw best if made several hours before serving. It will get watery after several hours but that is normal. It will keep for 3 day in the fridge.

Questions & Replies

  1. How do we know the employee is not disgruntled?
  2. This recipe is terrible (I am really biting my tongue). It tastes just how you would think: Miracle whip in a bowl with some sugar and something else. It's lousy. Looks like soft icing. Waaaaay too thick. This is not at all what KFC coleslaw looks like or tastes like. Joke's on me, guy. Good one.
  3. What is salad oil i used olive oil an i cant get it to taste the same what oil did you use ...
  4. can you freeze cole slaw?
  5. Which is most like KFC in the U.S., white or apple cider vinegar?


  1. This is how KFC in Australia used to make their coleslaw but with normal white vinegar instead of cider and some onion thrown in. Great recipe that I have been searching a while for. Thanks for posting.
  2. I'm not much of a coleslaw fan, but have always liked KFC's so thought I'd give it a try. Made it the same day as the dinner. I thought it was pretty good, but just didn't seem quite right. As the days went on and I ate the left overs it got better and better. I would recommend making this a day ahead so the flavors can mingle nicely.
  3. My husband is a man a few words, so when he tells me that he absolutely loves a dish I make, I know it's a keeper. I made this coleslaw tonight and he RAVED!! I cut the recipe in half, using a 1 lb bag of coleslaw mix and I can tell you I'll never do that again. He's just about finished it off. He said it was better than KFC and I told him it's the same thing. haha, thanks for the great recipe.
  4. This is the real deal indeed! It tastes just like KFC Cloeslaw and it's quick and easy to make. Thank you for sharing!
  5. I grew up on KFC cole slaw and it is really the only cole slaw I like. I have tried many of the other 'KFC' cole slaw recipes posted here on Food.com and none of them even come close (in my opinion). My 98 y/o grandmother often doesn't have much of an appetite, but she will (almost) always eat a little KFC cole slaw. I was very happy to have found this recipe; it is very simple, made with things we usually have on hand. Now she can have the cole slaw she loves even when it isn't convenient to go to KFC. Grandma says this tastes just like KFC, and so does my DH.


  1. This is how KFC in Australia used to make their coleslaw but with normal white vinegar instead of cider and some onion thrown in. Great recipe that I have been searching a while for. Thanks for posting.
  2. I use olive oil where the recipe calls for salad oil.
  3. Our all-time favorite! I add about 2 T grated onion, and use mayonnaise instead of Miracle Whip, though.
  4. This is a great recipe. Was very easy to make and tasted great. I also used canola oil instead of the salad oil. Will definitely be making again. Thanks!
  5. This recipe is fantastic! It is also very quick to make. I've made it 2 or 3 times now and the only change I've made is by using Canola Oil instead of vegetable. People ask me if I really made it from scratch. This tastes just like the real thing. I've given the recipe to several people and they too are enjoying it. Thank you very much for submitting



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