Guiltless Granola

"I got this recipe from a Weight Watchers forum before going gluten free and absolutely loved it. I would never have thought to make my own granola except for the fact that I was making muffins one day and the recipe called for a granola topping. I didn't feel like driving the two minutes it would take to get to the grocery store (plus store-bought granola can be high in fat) so I searched the web for a low-fat recipe and found this one. I tweaked it only slightly. I thought the idea to use couscous was a very unique way to add extra crunch. (NOTE: Cooking time updated based on SweetySJD's review - Thanks so much for reviewing!)"
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Ready In:


  • 1 cup quick oats
  • 1 egg white (sometimes I would use 2 if I felt like the mixture wasn't sticking together well enough after mixing)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 4 tablespoons couscous, uncooked
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


  • Preheat oven/toaster oven to 350. Spray a jelly roll pan or a cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray.
  • Combine ingredients in a small bowl. Using your hands, take a handful of the mixture and press firmly into a ball (if mixture won't form a ball, put back in the bowl and mix in 1 more egg white) then break the ball apart into pieces the size of popped popcorn; place on baking sheet. Continue until all mixture is squashed and broken apart, don't worry too much about making the pieces all even, the size variety is nice.
  • Lightly spray oat clusters with non-stick cooking spray and bake for 20 minutes, stirring/flipping 2 or 3 times for even browning. Cool and store in an airtight container.

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  1. I loved this! I love that there are no refined sugars or excess fat. The store was out of quick oats so I took some old fashioned oats and whirled them a couple times in the blender and that worked great! The cooking time was too long, it was very done at 20 minutes, so just like any other granola it should be watched carefully. The couscous REALLY makes it crunchy! Thanks! I'll be making this again!


Growing up, my mom didn't keep any junk food in the house so if I wanted something sweet I had to find a way to make it (or go to a friend's house)! I loved looking through my mom's recipe books and trying to find recipes that I could make. I baked a lot of home made bread from Betty Crocker's Big Red Book, and every holiday, my mom and I would make pies together from scratch. I didn't actually get interested in cooking main courses until I got married and realized that I had to actually put dinner on the table every night. Just as I was starting to get the hang of it, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in May of 2007. This meant that I had to learn a whole new way of cooking - gluten free. I have accepted this as a new challenge and have fallen even more in love with cooking and baking. There is nothing like the feeling I get when I have success with creating a new recipe! My inspiration usually comes from a craving for something that I can't have because it is not gluten free. I immediately go back to my kitchen and learn how to make it myself! I also focus on creating recipes with all natural ingredients and avoiding artificial or added sugars.
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