Fruited Coleslaw

"Can't recall where I found this recipes - it was a long time ago. Very refreshing and light salad. You can adjust seasonings to taste or add more vegetables. Cook time is chill time"
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Ready In:
2hrs 15mins




  • Finely shred cabbage.
  • Sprinkle coarsely shredded apple with lemon juice.
  • Reserve 6 sections of the well drained manadarins (these are used for garnish).
  • Chop remaining oranges and add to cabbage.
  • Add apple.
  • mix remaining ingredients and pour over.
  • mix well.
  • chill, covered for a couple hours.

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  1. This is a nice change-of-page recipe for coleslaw. Very light and refreshing for these hot summer days. Also, this recipe lends itself to variations as you see fit. It's a great recipe to change around depending on the type of fruit you happen to have on hand. This is a winner, 570804 Halifax Liz, and I can't wait to make it again.


This is a wonderful site. Must say this before I start. I was born in Northern Ireland and came to Canada in 1956. I started baking at a very early age and my mother was always supportive (even tho she probably did not have time). By the time I was 12 I was competing in local fairs and won quite a few ribbons. Later in my teens I added cooking (French style) to my hobbies and still prefer this style of cooking. Now we spend 6 months of the year in Southern Portugal and have learned a lot about the Portuguese cuisine. Do prefer the Norhern Portugal type of cooking, but they have the most wonderful bread in the world. I have one daughter who trained as a French chef and worked in that field for several years. Since then she has gone on to other things. <br>I don't have a favorite cookbook because I have too many to choose from. Since having the internet at my fingertips I have certainly expanded my recipe collections. I do take pride in serving good meals even for just the 2 of us. Luckily I have a husband who is a great taster and willing to try just about anything. <br>My pet peeve is to be served food on a cold plate in a restaurant. This is an absolute no-no as far as my husband and I are concerned.
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