Cottage Canoes

"Did that name get your attention? These are actually stuffed jalapenos but different than other recipes on this site. The recipe by Fran Stephen was an award winner for appetizers that are great at the cottage - simple yet tasty! Prep time includes chilling."
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12 appetizers




  • Cut the peppers in half lengthwise and remove seeds.
  • Mix the cheese, mayo, onion, celery, and Worcestershire sauce together.
  • Fill the peppers; press down on each top to flatten.
  • Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  • Roll each pepper in the beaten egg, and then dredge in breadcrumbs to coat; place on a baking sheet.
  • Bake at 350°F for 10 to 12 minute or until tops are slightly crisp.

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  1. I prepared these in the morning and baked them in the evening. I used jalapeno that I had left from my summers crop, I doubled the recipe, and added in a bit of fresh minced garlic and increased the green onions slightly, I used dry breadcrumbs for this. I served them to guests at my home after an evening out, who could not get enough of them! I got rave reviews and they were enjoyed by everyone! Another winner Marg, thanks so much for posting, these are simply delicious!...Kitten:)
  2. Made these last night with regular ol' jalepenos from the garden. I had so much leftover cheese mixture that I also stuffed a bunch of cherry peppers. I stuck them in the fridge for 5 minutes and the freezer for about 10. My oven was at 350 and I had to cook them for maybe 25-30 minutes or so. I like them crisp, and the jalepeno had to bake more or they'd still be a tad too firey. I know because I tried one...ouch. They were delicious little flavor balls. The egg and bread crumb crisped up to a much nicer coating than I thought. I omitted the celery and used a large green onion. The more I ate, the more I wanted. Caution: addictive little suckers.
  3. These certainly deserve to be tried by more chefs - they're scrumptious and were marvelous starters at dinner tonight. I already had the oven on at 475° so I used that temperature for 10 minutes and it seemed to produce just the right finish. But then I was using 6" long jalapenos from the garden and I had chilled them in the frig for at least three hours. Outstanding, CountryLady.


In the words of Tracy Byrd, "I'm from the country & I like it that way"!! On May 1, 2008 my husband and I started a new adventure. We'll be living in a 37 foot RV while our new home is under construction. Its out in the country on a dead end dirt road with lots of trees. For the next 4 months or so, most meals will be cooked on the BBQ and life will be full of challenges! We love spending quality time with our friends & family - especially the grandkids!! The photo is 4 generations - my 84 year old mother, myself, my daughter & my youngest granddaughter - taken at the end of 2006. I've participated in many contests & events here on Zaar but this is the first banner that I've posted. My thanks to Dreamgoddess for hosting the contest & SusieD for the banner design! <img src="">
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